All Tech Services Meeting Minutes, 7/28

  • Department Updates:
    • Con (Rebecca):
      • Projects and priorities continue:
        • Priority cataloging for works by women/BIPOC/Oberlin-affiliated composers/performers
        • Monthly new titles lists to Con Library staff
        • Con TS LibGuide continues to grow
        • Bindery: Still limiting to 100 pams/month (HF request); summer student helping to shift and condense; use of “at bindery” status now routine
        • Prep: Big catchup on mending/repair
        • Cleanup: M3 analytics; setting OBE holdings on former OBM records including many WorldCat replaces to update AAPs and headings; slowly chipping away at hybrid Internet Archive records for special collections (from internet 006/008 –-> URL for version of resource only)
      • Updates:
        • Catalogers will be attending 3-part ALA webinar series, Using the New RDA Toolkit to Catalog Music
        • Monthly Con Library all-staff meetings beginning in August, will help with crossovers with public services
        • Faith enrolled in ALA E-Course, Music Cataloging with Library of Congress Classification
        • Looking for new tech services student worker(s) for fall, referrals welcome (and graduation congrats to previous students, Owen and Adam!)
        • Reviewed all sound recordings in Special Collection awaiting item-level cataloging before Crystal left. There are a lot.
      • Finished FY22 stats:
        • Added 2,970 bib records to OBIS
        • 1,770 new or enhanced WorldCat records, including 67 newly BIBCO sound recordings (Phyllis) 
        • NACO: 975 new and 1,240 changed name (name and name-title) records
        • Bindery: 2,370 print (book/score) volumes prepped and sent
    • AES (Selina):
      • Ashley has been working on the art move, creating lists and answering questions about our holdings
      • Ellen and Justin have been very busy working on purchases, renewals or cancellations, and also working on adapting to our new budget change in the new fiscal year
    • DMS (Tim):
      • Digital projects — theater production archives underway
      • Gov docs withdrawals are ongoing
      • Tim took over FDLP Coordinator role from Megan
      • Hybrid record cleanup started
      • Oberliniana project completed
      • Tim is teaching Ohionet course on AV cataloging
    • Systems (Michael):
      • 3D task force wrapping up in the next couple of weeks
      • OhioLINK ILS migration meetings
      • EZProxy will be moving in the next couple of months to single sign on. CIT is recommending this.
      • Recalls: were turned off during COVID; Circ Working Group asked to turn recalls on again and they are now back on 
      • Our web developer made some custom skins for our hours, scheduling, etc. to mimic the website and will be implemented soon; a link to an events calendar will be included
  • Old Business:
    • LCSH Flagging project (Tim): meeting next week about flagging project, to discuss where 05 is with the project. Michael has been working with Spencer at O5 to troubleshoot some of the scripts to flag terms correctly; still some work to do before implementation of the fixes. 
  • New Business:
    • ILS Migration Task Force (Paul/Michael):
      • OhioLINK has started the process to replace Sierra as its ILS for the Central catalog and for its membership. We are currently in the middle of their Request for Proposal (RFP) information gathering stage, listening sessions with OhioLINK policy teams and committees have been completed, and OhioLINK is now soliciting feedback from those sessions. After that, they will be constructing the RFP and expect to have that approved and ready to send out to vendors in October. Beginning in December and January and into April, OhioLINK membership will be reviewing the proposals from vendors and the RFP is expected to be awarded in April/May. After that, the implementation of the new system is expected to begin and OhioLINK estimates that will take 14-16 months. 
      • We are forming an ILS Migration Task Force with Michael McFarlin as chair to help coordinate: 1) the feedback from OCL staff on the RFP process and to advocate for Oberlin’s ILS needs, 2) any cleanup projects in Sierra prior to implementation, and 3) the implementation process. The task force will consist of staff who represent each of the key areas of work/concern we identified within the ILS and for our users. Each of these task force members will provide their expertise in these areas to facilitate feedback from OCL staff, advocate for Oberlin’s needs for the new ILS, and coordinate the implementation process. The task force will hold its first meeting on Monday, August 1.
      • Composition:
        • Systems: Michael McFarlin (chair)
        • Cataloging/Discovery: Tim
        • Non-Roman Cataloging: Runxiao
        • E-Resources/Acquisitions: Selina
        • Serials: Ashley
        • Circulation/Reserves: Michael P.
        • ILL/OhioLINK borrowing: Diane Lee
        • Reference/Assesment/User Experience: Elizabeth
        • Branch Libraries/User Experience: Kathy
        • Branch Libraries/Music Cataloging: Rebecca
        • Ex Oficio: Tracy and Paul
      • Michael reported on the listening session for Lead Implementers. Marshall Breeding led the discussion with several high level questions. Larger libraries brought up a lot of the issues that we’d be concerned about, but Michael did emphasize that the needs of smaller schools will need to be considered during the process. Mostly high level at this point.
      • Spencer at Ohio5 has also had several meetings about the ILS migration and has proposed two task forces to work on this project, one to look at discovery layers and one to work on cleanup projects based on DIAD suggestions. 
    • Cataloging Policy Group (Paul/Tim):
      • Forming a group to be the forum for discussing and setting all standards, policies, and procedures for cataloging across the Oberlin College Libraries. Tim Keller will serve as the chair of the group and standing members will include Selina Wang, Rebecca Belford, Michael McFarlin, Runxiao Zhu and four rotating OCOPE catalogers (including at least one from the Conservatory Library). The group will meet regularly to discuss and set catalog policies and coordinate shared cataloging projects and maintenance (e.g. cleanup projects etc.). If you are interested in volunteering to be one of the rotating members of this group, please contact Tim.

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