Nominate a colleague, a team, or yourself for a Staff Excellence Award

We are extending the submission deadline to November 7 for nominating individuals or a team for a staff excellence award.  At yesterday’s Library Council meeting, we discussed the nomination process and thought it might be helpful to name people in our past who would have certainly deserved such an award.  Lois Kane, for example, who was remembered in the Lowdown so recently, and whose prodigious contributions in cataloging are still benefiting music catalogers (and musicians who search those catalogs!).  Alan Boyd comes to mind for his leadership through an intensive self-study and the application process that resulted in Oberlin winning the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award.  You know people on our current staff who are doing great work and deserve recognition – tell us about them!
Nomination form new due date: November 7, 2022

One thought on “Nominate a colleague, a team, or yourself for a Staff Excellence Award

  1. Question: May faculty and staff outside of the libraries (but Oberlin) nominate someone for these awards?

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