“The Kathy Hive” – bee swarm found in Westwood Cemetery

On Sunday, John and I found a bee swarm in Westwood Cemetery while walking Bialy. I contacted the Lorain County Beekeepers at Faith’s (Faith Hoffman) suggestion, and the beekeeper, Audrey, met me at Westwood yesterday to relocate the swarm. I’ve loaded some photos and videos of “The Kathy Hive” in a Google folder for your entertainment.
A couple of really cool things is the photo of some of the bees in the box for relocation while some of them are backed up against the edge of the box, flapping their wings to spread the scent of the queen. The ones flapping are spreading the smell of the queen to tell the other hive members that the queen is in the box and that they should join them in the box.
After the hive got relocated to their new digs in Hinckley, Audrey wrote me and said that the hive has been named “Kathy” – ah. My heart is so happy!

One thought on ““The Kathy Hive” – bee swarm found in Westwood Cemetery

  1. Sweet!

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