Proper Disposal of Unapproved Space Heaters

In case you are wondering what you should do with your college-unapproved space heater now that you have an approved, safe, radiator-style replacement, Chet Arcaba, Director of Facilities Stewardship, recommends that cords should be cut off making them inoperable and they should be trashed.

If you are still in need of your own personal radiator, please let me know.

Attached FYI is the official space heater memo the college issued ten years ago.

2 thoughts on “Proper Disposal of Unapproved Space Heaters

  1. Thanks for this info (and the approved radiator)! Since we got them new in their boxes, do we need them to be “tagged and identified by Facilities Operations before being placed in an area for use”?

    • Chet says there is currently no need for the radiators to be tagged or identified before use.

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