Last Chance to Participate in the OCL Workplace Amenities survey!

Good afternoon everyone! I am reposting this survey one more time before it closes at the end of the day today. Please consider contributing your responses so that the IDEA Committee can do our best to document and formalize the knowledge that so many of us take for granted from experience. Thank you to everyone who contributed already, and thanks in advance to anyone who manages to do so before the end of the day!

Reposted text:

Established employees at the OC Libraries know that there are a wide variety of avenues we can take to secure workplace-related amenities. It feels like over the years, we develop a “sixth sense” about what sort of things are appropriate to ask of our department heads, of CIT, of Bill Ruth, etc. However, this information is not well-documented or codified, and especially for new employees, these resources may not be altogether obvious.

The IDEA Committee would like to address this problem by creating this documentation for current and future employees. Please help us in our efforts by answering the survey locations located here.

To clarify, by “workplace amenities” we are referring to equipment, tools, software, etc. that improves your working environment. These should not rise to the level of requests that fall under ADA accommodations. These must be taken up with Human Resources, and the form for those requests can be found here.

Please complete the survey by the new updated due date of Friday, February 11th! Thank you so much for your participation.

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