On Monday, June 13, masks will no longer be required

ChromeRiver Training

Greetings all…

Before everyone sends in their April expense reports for their pCards (ignore this post if it doesn’t apply), I am going to offer a ChromeRiver training. I have sent a meeting invite to everyone that I know has a pCard, however, if someone else uses your card or creates your expense reports, please feel free to invite them.

If you have specific questions, feel free to email me before Tuesday and I will endeavor to have the answers.


Library Staff Pages on College Website

Hi Everyone,

As Valerie mentioned, library staff can have a staff page on the Libraries page of the College’s main website.

Communications asks for a photo. You can arrange for a photo shoot with their photography manager, Yvonne Gay (yvonne.gay@oberlin.edu).

Adding your page is as easy as submitting a web team support request form. A written biography and education summary is optional. All faculty bios use these fields, but many staff do not, apart from senior staff, admissions, and other public-facing positions.

Terrell Supply Room changes

Dear Colleagues,

You may have noticed some changes in the Supply Room in Terrell.  We are cleaning it up and getting rid of years of junk that has accrued in it with the goal of turning it into an office for our budget person.  (Phyllis was in the office that will be the Associate Director’s).

Most libraries and departments have their own storage supply areas and now’s the time to organize and stock them. For bulky supplies or overflow stock, we will be using an area in the new receiving room.  Until the Receiving Room is finished (late May?), you might still find supplies in the Supply Room.  But as I say, now is the time to clean up or carve out your departmental supply area.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Report to ObieSafe any mask or eating violations to the form

Hello Everybody,

Be sure to fill out the ObieSafe Report for violations you may see of the mask mandate and eating policy in your spaces.  In Terrell we are having an onslaught of students eating and not wearing masks in our areas. This is the best way to get action on this issue so please consider filling out the form here. They won’t know if its not reported.