OhioLINK Webinar on Library System Migration, 6/29/22

Hi Everyone,

Earlier today, OhioLINK hosted the first of two webinars where they are providing information about the request for proposals (RFP) to replace Sierra as the consortium’s Integrated Library System (ILS). OhioLINK received funding in the most recent state budget to request proposals from vendors for a new system and to assist libraries in the state with system migration. The migration effort will involve or affect all OCL staff in some way, so I recommend that those interested watch the second webinar scheduled for tomorrow, June 29, 2022, at 2:30pm. The presentation had lots of useful information and there were many good questions in the first session.

NOTE: I am sending the WebEx link for the webinar to staff via the ocl-staff Google Group because is has a password.

The timeline for the RFP process is just short of one year. Please watch for opportunities, including surveys and meetings, to contribute to OCL and OhioLINK’s information gathering efforts in the coming weeks. This will be a way to provide your thoughts about what is needed in a new library system. The implementation timeline of the new system will depend on what vendor OhioLINK’s planning team chooses, and more information about that process will come after selection in the spring of 2023.

Mobile ObieID Cards and the Libraries

Hi Everyone,

CIT has launched their Mobile ObieID Card service today. ObieID card holders can choose between a physical ID card, or a virtual ID card on their mobile device. New students, faculty and staff will only be issued one form of the ID card. Existing ObieID card holders may sign up for the mobile version, but if they do CIT will deactivate their physical card in the campus-wide Transact system. Read more about the new service at CIT’s Mobile ID webpage.

Naturally, this change has implications for the Libraries’ circulation processes. Circulation desk staff may start to see users attempting to tap their mobile devices to check out materials. Unfortunately, until a person signs in to the mobile app and activates a mobile ID card, there is no number assigned, so I cannot load those numbers into Sierra ahead of time.

Circulation staff will have to look up the patron record of the user, edit the record by adding a new barcode field, then have the user tap their device to add their mobile ID card number to the record. If the user has an existing physical ID card, tapping that card on circulation desk readers should still work to locate a patron record (and complete a checkout transaction). However, if they have opted for the new mobile ID card, it would be best to take the opportunity to update the record the first time because fewer people will be carrying the physical cards in the future.

I will be meeting with CIT staff next week to discuss what this change means for the fall and the process of getting the large number of incoming student ID card numbers in Sierra. It’s my intention to push CIT to automate patron load data as much as possible so we do not have to add these new numbers manually at the start of the year. Stay tuned for more information about that.

Marshal Breeding’s Annual Library Systems Report

Published by American Libraries: Marshal Breeding’s annual Library Systems Report

Events of the last year have reshaped the library technology industry. Previous rounds of acquisitions pale in comparison to the acquisition of ProQuest by Clarivate, which has propelled the leading library technology provider into the broader commercial sector of scholarly communications. This deal signals that the gap in size among vendors is widening, as ProQuest businesses Ex Libris and Innovative Interfaces also join Clarivate.

The emergence of such a large business at the top of the industry has accelerated consolidation among mid-level players that aim to increase scale and efficiency to remain competitive. This was a banner year for consolidation of midsize competitors, with more acquisitions than any prior year.

These deals raise concerns about weakened competition, but they may also enable new industry dynamics that will spark innovation and synergy within the broader research and education landscape. Small companies with visions for innovation often lack the resources to deliver, which larger companies can provide. Increased investor and stockholder involvement, however, translates into pressure to maximize profits and growth. The way these competing dynamics play out has important implications for libraries.

SIERRA USERS: Upgrade Coming During Spring Break Week

Hi Sierra Users,

I have requested a software upgrade for Sierra to occur during Spring Break Week. The upgrade will take us from version 5.2 to version 5.4.

All Sierra and OBIS functions will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

I have requested Wednesday, 4/6/22, between 3am–9am, as the preferred choice for the upgrade. The second choice is Thursday, 4/7/22, between 3am–9am. I do not expect the update to take the entire 6-hour window. I will let everyone know when the vendor has confirmed the exact day/time.

You will find release notes, known issues, and resolved issues information in a Box folder I shared named, “Sierra Upgrade Documents.” Please take a look at the release notes, as well as the known issues and resolved issues, for versions 5.3 and 5.4 so you are aware of any changes coming.

For example, in version 5.3, the Circulation function “View Outstanding Holds” is changed to “Manage Holds” and includes some enhancements. If you have questions or concerns about anything in the documentation, let me know and I’ll request more information from the vendor, if needed.


-Michael M.

Sierra Users: Request for diagnostic info

As we know, Sierra is still running slowly and III has not pinned down the issue. So, I’d like to send them as much data as I can and I need your help. As you experience performance issues with Sierra today and Wednesday, will you please note the following information and send it to me? I will include the data in my support ticket with the vendor so they can investigate.

As you experience the issues, please note and send the following information to libsys@oberlin.edu:

  • approximate day/time of the issue
  • what specific function you were attempting in Sierra
  • the problem you experienced
  • your Sierra Origin ID
    • You will find your Origin ID in Sierra by clicking the Help menu, then select About. A small window will pop up. Click the Diagnostic Info button and copy just the first line of the next window (example: Origin: 6912@ip-175.12.main.oberlin.edu:20561).

A full example you send might be:

Tuesday, 2/22/22, at 2:22pm

Trying to open a record from a catalog search

It took 30 seconds to open

Origin: 6912@ip-175.12.main.oberlin.edu:20561

Send as many issues as you experience. If you’ve closed Sierra and reopened later, you may have a different Origin, so please check that.

Some of you have already sent me some examples, so thank you. Please send more as you can so I can include fresh examples in the ticket.

THANK YOU(!) to everyone for your help. Sorry this continues to be an issue.

Lowdown Login Temporary Changes

Hi Everyone,

I have removed the login prompt for the Library Lowdown temporarily while CIT works with Okta to improve its function and allow for all OCL users to login. This means that the site is accessible to anyone and that anyone can contribute to it without logging in. I will turn on the login prompt again when it is working properly.

For now, I’d rather have everyone be able to use the site and get used to the Lowdown as the official source for internal OCL announcements and information.

Important: when submitting a post or comment, be sure to add your full name so it will display on the site.

I’ll be monitoring the site for any spam posts. If you see anything weird, please let me know and I’ll remove it as soon as I can.


Springshare Server Maintenance

Hi Everyone! Springshare sent a couple of maintenance notices for backend work they are performing this coming week:

  1. Critical server maintenance for all products starting at 5am Eastern on Wednesday December 22, 2021, which will require as much as 20 minutes of down time for each Springshare app (LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal, LibStaffer, LibWizard, LibInsight, and LibConnect).
  2. Server maintenance for the administrative side of LibGuides starting at 8pm Eastern on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, which will require as much as 2 hours of down time for the back end of LibGuides. This is in addition to the other server maintenance work scheduled for December 22nd starting at 5am Eastern.

The public side of LibGuides will remain online, though some functionality will not be available, including logging in to LibApps.