REMINDER: ILS Vendor Survey due at 5pm today!

Re-posting the following as a reminder. Responses due today (Thursday, 4/13) at 5pm.


Hi Everyone,

The ILS Migration Task Force would like your feedback on the three ILS vendor presentations hosted by OhioLINK on April 3rd, 4th, and 5th. If you attended any or all of the online presentations, please take a few minutes to complete our internal vendor presentation survey. Submissions are due by 5pm on Thursday, 4/13/23.

OhioLINK has asked members to complete one feedback survey per vendor, per institution. The results we gather with our internal survey will be incorporated into OCL’s official response to OhioLINK.

Thank you!


ILS Vendor Presentation Feedback Survey

Hi Everyone,

The ILS Migration Task Force would like your feedback on the three ILS vendor presentations hosted by OhioLINK on April 3rd, 4th, and 5th. If you attended any or all of the online presentations, please take a few minutes to complete our internal vendor presentation survey. Submissions are due by 5pm on Thursday, 4/13/23.

OhioLINK has asked members to complete one feedback survey per vendor, per institution. The results we gather with our internal survey will be incorporated into OCL’s official response to OhioLINK.

Thank you!


April PanLibrary Forum Pre-empted by ILS Review

Dear Colleagues,

In the interest of making the best and most informed decision possible about our new ILS, we will devote the normal time for the April PanLibrary Forum to the final review from the ILS vendors.

CRS is looking for a communal viewing venue….and deviled eggs will appear there on Wednesday at the normal time.

All speakers for April’s Pan Library Forum will be shifted to May.



File Maker Pro–Please let CIT know about your data!

Center For Information Technology
FileMaker Pro Users: Tell Us About Your Database
If you are a FileMaker Pro user, CIT needs to hear from you. Please take five minutes to complete this brief questionnaire to provide important information about how you use your database.
Your response is critical to our understanding of the need for databases of this type at Oberlin and will assist us in making decisions that will better support all FileMaker users on campus.
Responses are requested by this Friday, March 3.

EZ-Proxy, now with SSO

Hi Everyone,

Our proxy service for accessing electronic resources from off-campus, EZproxy, now includes a single sign-on login option. The login page that appears when a user clicks on a link in our Databases A-Z list provides a button to login using an ObieID (SSO) as well as a form for the traditional library barcode login.

Of course, one advantage of the SSO option is fewer clicks for users when they are already logged in to other Okta-authenticated services, such as their Oberlin email, in their web browser. Also, no need to memorize or locate their library barcode on their ObieID.

Note that resources that use OhioLINK’s proxy service will still require the library barcode.



Digital Preservation Conversations

Sept. 23, 3 PM: Digital Preservation Practices and Policies (featuring “briefs” from Oberlin Library Group (i.e., 70+ Liberal Arts Colleges in America named for us!) colleagues Joanna DiPasquale and Sarah Schmidt (Union), Nathan Mealey (Wesleyan), and Matt Davis (Davidson).

Topic: Tech Talk: Digital Preservation Practices and Policies

Time: Sep 23, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 964 0141 8198

Passcode: 763203

Oct. 28, 3 PM; Alma-D Usage and Strategy (featuring “briefs” from Molly Kunkel and Matt Davis (Davidson), Jared Cowing (Williams), and possibly others(?)!

Topic: Tech Talk: Alma-D Usage and Strategy

Time: Oct 28, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 3120 9039

Passcode: 285623

These are intended to be very informal conversations, with 5 -15 minute “briefs” on some aspect of the topic.  Folks can bring a challenge, a success, or a new idea (to gather feedback) to the table.  It’s really about getting folks together to connect and share ideas! No one has all of the pieces figured out—but some of us have some of the pieces figured out.  What can we glean from one another (however small) that might help with those missing pieces? This is simply an opportunity to build a community of practice.

If you’re interested in sharing a “brief” at either of the above sessions, please let me know and I can connect you with the group. If you’d like to attend as a participant, Zoom info is below. Please feel free to share with others in your orgs. who are not on this list. 
