LOL Library Campaign

Be part of a new poster campaign to promote the libraries.  lol = Love Oberlin Libraries!  Send me a selfie/photo (in a womb chair, next to some books, hugging reading girl?) and a brief quote about what you love about Oberlin Libraries and you can be a poster person!

Please encourage students, faculty, and community members to participate too.



Thanks for the wonderful party!

Thanks, Tracy, for the terrific photos! I will treasure them and all the memories from yesterday’s party! Thank you, Valerie and the Con Library Party Planning Committee 😉 You really outdid yourselves this time!! Thank you also for the fantastic tripod!! I’ll think of you — warmly –when Mitchell and I are perched at Lake Erie with wind and sleet blowing as we search for snowy owls, my camera atop the tripod waiting for the moment!

With lots of love, Debbie

Kudos Collection for Pan-Library Forum on 6/1/22

It’s kudos time again, and we’re thinking ahead to next Wednesday’s Pan-Library Forum. Library Council is once more collecting various news items, accolades, and celebration-worthy material to share, and make sure that everyone knows what great work is going on amongst the staff. Kudos can be given by anyone in the Libraries to anyone in the Libraries, so spread the love!

You can do so by filling out the Kudos Collection form for the next PLF, located here. You can submit as many times as you like for as many fellow colleagues as you like. The submissions are anonymous, but do require you to use your email address.

Submissions will be shared with Valerie for the next PLF presentation, so please get yours in early if you can, for the sake of getting everything into the presentation.

Thanks for all you do!

Greg Solow
Library Council Chair

Metcalf: Thank you all!!

Thank you all for making the Metcalf Reception so memorable for the graduating students and the staff. It is the only event the student will experience on such a beautiful day near a trench under a tent about an epic librarian!

Thank you to the Metcalf Committee (Matt, Kay, Alonzo, Michael P., Jennifer, Diane L. and Sara) for all the planning and work. Thank you Valerie for allowing and promoting this event as one of the best ways to honor our senior students and promote our library history.

Many thanks to all the other library staff who supported us through all our crazy ideas, graphics changes, sound requests, social media posts, responded to our surveys, and answered all our questions! The food by AVI Catering (yes, we wrote down hot sauce for next time) was amazing- I hope you all got a churro or brownie too!
The facility setup and coordination by the amazing UAW staff and Angela was seamless.

Thank you to our MC and library director, Valerie &  Metcalf history speaker, Ray English. We love the story of Keyes Metcalf!

Check our Instagram post with photos from the event and website:

See Event photos by Heath here:

Kudos Collection for Pan-Library Forum 5/4/22

It’s kudos time again, and we’re thinking ahead to Wednesday’s Pan-Library Forum. Library Council is once more collecting various news items, accolades, and celebration-worthy material to share, and make sure that everyone knows what great work is going on amongst the staff. Kudos can be given by anyone in the Libraries to anyone in the Libraries, so spread the love!

You can do so by filling out the Kudos Collection form for the next PLF, located here. You can submit as many times as you like for as many fellow colleagues as you like. The submissions are anonymous, but do require you to use your email address.

Submissions will be shared with Valerie for the next PLF presentation, so please get yours in early if you can, for the sake of getting everything into the presentation.

Thanks for all you do!

Greg Solow
Library Council Chair

Farewell, Crystal!

With such mixed emotions we must say goodbye to Crystal Willer, the Conservatory Library’s Special Collections Librarian and Curator of the James and Susan Neumann Jazz Collection. She will leave us in May to become associate archivist at her alma mater, Lewis and Clark College, in Portland, Oregon. Although we will miss her greatly, we cannot help but be happy for her: this move will take Crystal, her husband, Jordan, and their adorable daughter, Josephine (Jo), back to her family and hometown. Moreover, Crystal will now oversee the poetry archive at Lewis and Clark, a resource she knows well insofar as this was her first love/area of study.

Crystal began work at the Con Library in the fall of 2018, initially as Project Archivist, and then early in 2020, she surfaced to the top of a competitive pool of candidates for her current position. While her responsibilities could find her invited into classes to teach about special collections, at the same time she has had oversight for organizing, accessioning, inventorying, and overall cataloging of Conservatory special collections. She communicated regularly with the Conservatory Library’s major donors, working closely with them on planning and project management. In addition to traveling exhibits, Crystal has overseen all manner of exhibitions throughout the Conservatory including the digital monitors throughout the Kohl Building. She has also supervised the work of a full-time curatorial assistant as well as two student assistants in digitizing all aspects of special collections toward making them more accessible to the Oberlin and greater music communities via the internet.

Crystal’s last day at the Con Library is Thursday, 19 May. We will miss you, Crystal!

2022 Metcalf Committee signups

Good afternoon everyone,

Library Council is looking to convene the 2022 Metcalf Committee, to continue the tradition of providing this great event for our graduating student workers!

The Metcalf Luncheon is where we show our appreciation for the students that make our library system function, but it needs staff members to make that happen. If you are interested in participating in this group, please reply to this form by the end of the day next Wednesday, 4/20/22.  You’ll be joining Alonso Avila and Kay Spiros, who have already elected to be on the Committee from the Council ranks.

Thank you for your efforts and your interest!

Kudos Collection for next Pan-Library Forum

It’s kudos time again! With one week until the next Pan-Library Forum, Library Council is once more collecting various news items, accolades, and celebration-worthy material to share, and make sure that everyone knows what great work is going on amongst the staff. Kudos can be given by anyone in the Libraries to anyone in the Libraries, so spread the love!

If you’d like to call out someone’s accomplishments, you can do so by filling out the Kudos Collection form for the next PLF, located here. You can submit as many times as you like for as many fellow colleagues as you like. The submissions are anonymous, but do require you to use your email address.

Submissions will be shared with Valerie to work into the next PLF, so please get yours in early if you can, for the sake of getting everything into the presentation.

Thanks for all you do!

Greg Solow
Library Council Chair