Alison Ricker to retire August 2023

It’s hard to imagine our workplace without Alison Ricker, but alas, she has announced her retirement from the Science Library at the end of August 2023. By that time she’ll have 40 years of employment and 46 years as a Librarian! She’s been liaison to 9 departments and has served on A&PS Council many times, as well as other committees for A&PS and General Faculty, and as Chair or a contributing member for many library committees, work groups, and task forces.

Alison’s professional contributions have been through service on ALAO committees and interest groups as president, newsletter editor, archivist, secretary, and membership chair.  She is also active in ALA ACRL Science and Technology Section, where she has chaired and/or served on several committees and as Council member and President.

She was instrumental in forming the Science Librarians Group of Oberlin Group Libraries and the College Libraries group of the ACRL Science and Technology Section. She also was a peer reviewer for the STS online journal, Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.  She served on the library advisory groups for the American Chemical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  She was the ACRL Liaison to the AAAS for six years and she’s been a reviewer for Choice for many years and has contributed over 50 book reviews.

On behalf of all of the library staff it’s been a pleasure working with you Alison and it’s an honor to help you celebrate your retirement.


You have worked so hard to earn this milestone. May this new chapter bring you immeasurable joy, peace, love and fulfillment.

Megan Mitchell to retire July 14th, 2023

It saddens me to announce the retirement of Megan Mitchell. Megan has been an integral part of the libraries since she began on July 15, 1992. Her contributions will always be valued and remembered. Her hard work, commitment and dedication are worthy of admiration. During her tenure here, Megan has had several job title changes which included Reference, Government Documents, Electronic Services, Instruction, Digital Initiatives & Academic Engagement. Filling her shoes will be an almost impossible task. Thankfully we’ll still get to see her on occasion as she continues her part time work with the Five Colleges of Ohio, as their CODEX program director, focusing on open education resources and pedagogy. Speaking of which Megan has been liaison to 10 different departments and is currently liaising with 6. She plans on doing more gardening after retirement.

Please join me in congratulating Megan on this major accomplishment.

You will be greatly missed!

Diane & John Lee’s Retirement Party- May 9, 2023 3-5 pm in Knowlton

Stop out on May 9th to celebrate 90 years of service to Oberlin College!!

Come join us for Diane Lee & John Lee’s Retirement Party in Knowlton 3-5 p.m.

There is also a Google calendar invite from Jennifer- please say yes or no to help us get a head count. Please stop out on the 9th to celebrate 90 years of service to Oberlin College!!

Kathy Abromeit named Head of the Conservatory Library

Kathy Abromeit named Head of the Conservatory Library


Oberlin College & Conservatory is pleased to announce that Kathy Abromeit has been appointed the Head of the Conservatory Library.  Kathy is a library leader and scholar known for her positive, engaging, and user-centered approach to helping students and faculty.


The consummate music librarian, Kathy partnerswith faculty and students, sharpening their research skills and encouraging the use of new information sources. She moves into this position from her role as music reference and instruction librarian which she has held for over two decades. Locally, nationally, and internationally, Kathy Abromeit is active as a scholar and a librarian. She recently completed her term as the editor for the Basic Manual Series and oversees the “Music Received” column in Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association for the Music Library Association (MLA).Beginning this year, she also serves as chair of the Music Library Association’s Publication Committee chair.


“Her deep involvement in the profession and her strong advocacy for music research make her a great leader and a wonderful resource for students and faculty,” says College Librarian Valerie Hotchkiss. Dean William Quillen noted “her devotion to student success and her unfailing and unerring research assistance for everyone in the Conservatoryfrom first years to full professors.”


Kathy holds a degree in music history and theory from Lawrence University, as well as Master’s degrees in musicology and library and information science. Her areas of scholarly interest include music information literacy, faculty/librarian collaboration, African American spirituals, library inclusion and advocacy, and outreach. Her publications include the monographs An Index to African-American Spirituals for the Solo Voice (Greenwood Press, 1999), Spirituals: A Multidisciplinary Bibliography for Research and Performance (Music Library Association and A-R Editions, Inc., 2015), Ideas, Strategies, and Scenarios in Music Information Literacy (Music Library Association and A-R Editions, Inc., 2018), An Index to Negro Spirituals (SUNY Press, forthcoming), and Music Information Literacy: Inclusion and Advocacy (Library Juice Press, forthcoming), a co-authored volume.


Welcome, Kathy!  We’re glad you’re here