Call for one or two for coordinating staff talks

The Libraries will again take up the idea, especially in light of staff award nominations, of holding informal staff talks of 5 to 10 minutes at infrequent events.  I’m recruiting one or two staff members to help with coordinating these events, to be held twice a semester. This was discussed in Council today; check the minutes for more info. The goal is to provide a forum for staff to share aspects of their work or work-related readings with other staff members. We want staff to know more about what we all do. Speakers will be asked to state their topic and a brief description of their talk on a spreadsheet, with their preferred month of presentation. At the events we will have tea, coffee and cookies!

If interested in serving on this effort, please contact me. – Anne


Staff party planners! (Yes, you). Let’s get together.

Library Council invites any and all interested members of the staff to plan a social gathering to celebrate 2023.  This would be an in-person event during the workday, early in January, with a suggested budget of $500 for a partially catered meal.  Details to consider: location, timing, potluck, menu, music, program, invitations to retirees, and how to gather feedback from the staff generally.  Your ideas and planning skills are needed!  Please contact with suggestions and to volunteer to participate on the party planning committee.  Thank you!

Help needed for orientation event

Hi, everyone,

As mentioned in the last Pan-Library Forum, we still need volunteers to help with the Library orientation/open house event on 8/29 from 4-7pm in Terrell. We know that time frame falls after work hours for most of us, but it would REALLY help to have as many library staff as possible available to make this a tremendous success. Please consider adjusting your work schedule accordingly, and let us know if you’re able to help. You can contact me directly if you’d like.

Many thanks in advance!


Oberlin is doing another BIG READ!!!

Hi, everyone,

Some of you have already heard, but I’m writing today with the official news; we have been awarded a $9,400 Big Read grant from the National Endowment for the Arts!

The Big Read is a large-scale community reading program designed around a single title; we have chosen Yaa Gyasi’s “Homegoing.” As part of this program, there will be several events and activities around the community, such as a public kick-off event, small-group discussions, and other events centered on forms of artistic expression related to the theme(s) of the book. Some of you will remember that we previously held a successful Big Read program in the 2010-11 academic year that saw widespread community engagement with the selected work, Fahrenheit 451.

We have begun making plans for the fall semester schedule of events which will include:

  • Freedom’s Friends Underground Railroad and Abolition History Walks through Oberlin Heritage Center — tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 29 6:00 p.m., and Saturday, October 8 11:00 a.m.
  • various small-group book discussions around the community
  • a Read Aloud event in conjunction with Banned Books Week (Sept. 18-24) — tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 21 @ 4:30pm
  • bookmark design contest

We are also in the early planning stages of securing a historical re-enactment depicting a Black woman who was key in abolitionist/anti-slavery activity during the 19th century (specifically, Harriet Tubman or Sojourner Truth); this will likely be the official kick-off event in mid-to-late September. Stay tuned for a more detailed calendar of events as things get finalized.

Thanks so much to Alonso and Julie for helping with the application earlier this year and especially for helping to plan the events that will make this a remarkable event for the Oberlin community!


Library Open House/Tour info — Fall 2022

Hi, everyone,

As promised, here is the info on the library open houses and tours that will be held during and shortly after New Student Orientation / Welcome Week.  Remember that we really need all hands on deck for the Main Library open house on Monday, August 29 from 4-7pm.  New students really appreciate meeting library staff and fellow students, so please be flexible with your regular work schedule so that you can be available at that time and encourage your student assistants to participate.

Please let me know if you and/or your students will help out so we can be in touch with updates and ensure we have an accurate headcount for the pizza (thank you, Valerie!).

More to come … watch this space!

Terrell Main Library Open House


It’s B-I-N-G-O time in the Terrell Main Library! Come alone or bring a friend. Meet library staff and learn about resources and services that will help you get your semester off to a great start (researching, writing, speaking, technology!) There will be snacks and some sweet swag. If you complete the full BINGO card, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a grand prize. Come for a short time or a long time — any time on Monday, August 29 from 4p-7p.


Art Library Open House, Tours and Mural Painting


The gathering place for art-loving Obies, check out the beautiful views, comfortable seating, whimsical atmosphere, sophisticated equipment, and over 100,000 gorgeous books. Includes cool freebies and the chance to make some mail art to send to friends and family.

Wednesday, September 14, 11am – Noon

Thursday, September 15, 10-11am

Friday, September 16, 2:30-4:30pm

ALSO Catch us at the Museum “Shared Art” Party Aug. 30th 4:00-7:00pm


Conservatory Library Open House Tours


Need music for an audition? Wondering where you can find a book about music? Learn the basics of the Oberlin Conservatory Library by taking a tour. Stop in at any time during these hours and get some library swag:

Monday, September 12, 11am-1pm tours on the hour and half hour

Tuesday, September 13, 3-5pm tours on the hour and half hour

Wednesday, September 14, 5-7pm tours on the hour and half hour


Science Library Tours


Scientists need journals, and we have nearly 120,000 titles online,
plus some essential titles in print—right by our entrance—for your reading pleasure. Learn how to find them online and in the library, along with great books.

Tours last 20 minutes and run continuously. Highly recommended for potential science majors.

Monday, September 12, 1-5pm

Tuesday, September 13, 9am-12pm

Other times by appointment

Solstice Ice Cream Social! Please empty Terrell Main freezer.

Plans are well underway for the Solstice Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, June 22! More info coming soon.

The Terrell Main Library freezer will be needed for the ice cream. Currently there are items in there that need to go home or tossed to make room. Please check the freezer and take your items before Monday, June 20. THANKS!

Thanks for the wonderful party!

Thanks, Tracy, for the terrific photos! I will treasure them and all the memories from yesterday’s party! Thank you, Valerie and the Con Library Party Planning Committee 😉 You really outdid yourselves this time!! Thank you also for the fantastic tripod!! I’ll think of you — warmly –when Mitchell and I are perched at Lake Erie with wind and sleet blowing as we search for snowy owls, my camera atop the tripod waiting for the moment!

With lots of love, Debbie

RSVP to the Evite to Metcalf today to get yummy food & dessert on the 24th!

Metcalf Evite RSVP response:

Absolutely= yummy burrito bowl food and dessert ordered for you! 🙂  Best option!
Hmmm = no food ordered for you 🙁
Unthinkable = no food ordered for you 🙁

Check to see if your name is under the category you wish it to be on the guest list in the Evite. Nudge your coworkers and especially your senior student workers to RSVP today!  All library staff is welcome- no matter if you have a graduating student or not.
You can still attend the Metcalf event without a food RSVP as it is outdoor space (on a gorgeous day!) and we want to celebrate our students!

If you have any questions, please ask a member of the Metcalf committee.

Details  from the previous Lowdown post is below:

The annual Metcalf Reception will be held for our graduating student employees on May 24th,  2022, from 12:30-1:30. On the north Mudd Plaza, aka. the huge new sidewalk (formerly the tree) between Wilder & Mudd- under a tent.

Please RSVP to join us for lunch, an AVI catered Burrito Bowl (Chicken, Tofu, or Steak with optional: rice, lettuce, black bean and corn salsa, grilled peppers, onions, cheese, and sour cream toppings.) Please RSVP on the Evite by May 17th @ 4:00 p.m.

We hope you can join us to celebrate our graduating student employees!

Student supervisors: Please nudge your senior employees to fill out the student questionnaire and RSVP as soon as possible.

Metcalf Reception on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 @ 12:30-1:30– RSVP is NOW live – respond by May 17th

The annual Metcalf Reception will be held for our graduating student employees on May 24th,  2022, from 12:30-1:30. On the north Mudd Plaza, aka. the huge new sidewalk (formerly the tree) between Wilder & Mudd- under a tent.

Please RSVP to join us for lunch, an AVI catered Burrito Bowl (Chicken, Tofu, or Steak with optional: rice, lettuce, black bean and corn salsa, grilled peppers, onions, cheese, and sour cream toppings.) Please RSVP on the Evite by May 17th @ 4:00 p.m.

We hope you can join us to celebrate our graduating student employees!

Student supervisors: Please nudge your senior employees to fill out the student questionnaire and RSVP as soon as possible.

PSA (Public Service announcement): The Metcalf Committee tried to get a food truck from Steel Magnolia or Beautiful Flame (Lorenzos) but AVI evidently has the first refusal on all campus catering jobs over $500. Who knew- not any of us until this week.

2022 Metcalf Committee signups

Good afternoon everyone,

Library Council is looking to convene the 2022 Metcalf Committee, to continue the tradition of providing this great event for our graduating student workers!

The Metcalf Luncheon is where we show our appreciation for the students that make our library system function, but it needs staff members to make that happen. If you are interested in participating in this group, please reply to this form by the end of the day next Wednesday, 4/20/22.  You’ll be joining Alonso Avila and Kay Spiros, who have already elected to be on the Committee from the Council ranks.

Thank you for your efforts and your interest!