OBIE Spirit Friday photo op

What:  OBIE Spirit Friday photo op

When:  Friday 3 November at 12:15 pm

Where:  Terrell Library 2nd floor cushion pit, but this is not a Terrell exclusive event.

Why:  Let’s win a pizza party, or at least get our picture in the campus digest for trying.

Wear your OCL T-shirt or sweat shirt, or a piece of OC apparel (in addition to your other clothes…we’re trying to keep this family friendly after all,) and a smile. Question: if you’re wanted by the FBI are you allowed to wear a mask? Asking for a friend.

Hip-Hop 50th at the Intersection (Listen-Aloud)

Event Description:

Join us at Terrell Main Library as we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of hip-hop with a particular focus on Latine artists beginning from the genesis of the culture to the present.

Please come prepared to share your favorite artist and lyrics at Azariah’s on Wednesday (10/25) from 4:30-5:30.


I’m not sure if you need any other information, but please feel free to edit or reach out to me for further information/clarification. Julie will help create a flyer for social media for the event using a photo of a graffiti painting from a hip-hop event in Oberlin College from the early 90’s, if I’m not mistaken. Thank you!

Looking Ahead… Take 5 Talks invited for the October session

During the last meeting of Library Council we noted that October is recommended as the time for the next Take 5 Talks session.  This is your opportunity to share news about a special project in your department, a staff development event, or other fulfilling activity that enhances your work.  Examples of possible topics are in the proposal form – please consider signing up and share your experience/expertise with other staff members.

Keep this in mind especially if you are attending any workshops, webinars, conferences, or other staff development events in the coming month!

REMINDER: Mudd Center Orientation and New Student Resource Fair – Call for Help!

The Mudd Center Orientation, an essential event for advertising library and academic commons partner services to incoming students, will take place from 11am-2pm on Monday, August 28. We will be using the same Bingo format as the last two years, where students travel around the library to visit stops described on their Bingo card. We need volunteers to direct students into and around the building and the website.

We would really appreciate support from any library staff and student workers who are able to pitch in. In addition to Terrell Public services being down three people right now, the New Student Resource Fair, where we usually help staff a table representing the libraries, is taking place on Wilder Bowl at the same time as the Mudd Orientation. Any volunteers will be treated to a pizza lunch from Lorenzo’s.

If you or your student workers are able to help out with either Orientation or the New Student Resource Fair, please fill out this form no later than 5pm on Wednesday, August 23. (Please fill it out even if we’ve already been in contact with you about staffing a specific departmental stop – the form is how we’re getting a total headcount and dietary restriction information for the pizza order.) We’ll be in touch with information about your specific station assignments on August 24.

Contact the core reference team if you have any questions, and thank you for helping to make orientation a success!

Fall 2023 ACE Reminders

With the fall semester quickly approaching, the ACE Team would like to encourage everyone to submit their events and communications content as early as possible. While we do the best we can to advertise and post everything submitted, last minute requests cannot always be fulfilled.

We would also like to announce that you can now request advertisement for your events through the Events Form, rather than filling out two forms. If you would prefer to create your own advertising content, you still have the option to separately upload that through the Communications Form. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

And as always, please remember to review the Communications Platform Standards prior to submitting communications content.

Mudd Center Orientation and New Student Resource Fair – Call for Help!

The Mudd Center Orientation, an essential event for advertising library and academic commons partner services to incoming students, will take place from 11am-2pm on Monday, August 28. We will be using the same Bingo format as the last two years, where students travel around the library to visit stops described on their Bingo card. We need volunteers to direct students into and around the building and the website.

We would really appreciate support from any library staff and student workers who are able to pitch in. In addition to Terrell Public services being down three people right now, the New Student Resource Fair, where we usually help staff a table representing the libraries, is taking place on Wilder Bowl at the same time as the Mudd Orientation. Any volunteers will be treated to a pizza lunch from Lorenzo’s.

If you or your student workers are able to help out with either Orientation or the New Student Resource Fair, please fill out this form no later than 5pm on Tuesday, August 22. (Please fill it out even if we’ve already been in contact with you about staffing a specific departmental stop – the form is how we’re getting a total headcount and dietary restriction information for the pizza order.) We’ll be in touch with information about your specific station assignments on August 24.

Contact the core reference team if you have any questions, and thank you for helping to make orientation a success!

Thank you!

I have to confess that I was very nervous about the party, not because I was worried about how the party would go, more because I never like to be in the spotlight, neither like to talk in the public and speak in some flowery language which is not my native tongue.

But I have to admit this party was awesome.

Thank you for those who participated in the planning I didn’t know about plus Sara, Claire, Elizabeth, Tracy etc;

Thank you my ‘neighbor’ Michael for the best playlist and audio system;

Thank you very much for everyone who came to the party last Thursday;

Thank you for everyone for the cards; and thank you for my wonderful team, especially Elizabeth.

It has been a wonderful seven-year at Oberlin. I am feeling extremely lucky to know everyone who works at OCL. I am so grateful for all the trust, support and friendship. THANK YOU, Oberlin College Libraries.

I am ending with one of my favorite quotes from Milarepa, the Tibetan hermit,

Even a strong wind is empty by nature;

Even a great wave is just ocean itself;

Even thick southern clouds are insubstantial as sky;

Even the dense mind is naturally birthless.

Call for galls

Hi everyone, we’re hoping to run an ink making workshop in the year ahead, and I would be grateful to anyone who walks around oak trees to bring us insect galls!

There are so many kinds, but we’re particularly interested in oak apple galls and similar, which may tend to have higher tannin content.

From what I can tell, it’s pretty hard to reliably identify galls, but if you’re curious, clicking the images below will take you to their source, i.e. the listing for the insect believed to instigate the gall pictured. These four may be some of the best for our purposes!

N.B. It also seems that some galls (e.g. the bullet galls) exude nectar from the host plant, which attracts insects that: a) keep down predation; but also (b) present a sting risk to you and me. Please don’t get hurt trying to help us! Plenty of galls can be found fallen on the ground, with any nectaries gone out of production– I imagine fallen galls are also more likely to be free of larvae. And drier!

You can bring in galls bagged in paper or plastic, and I’ll come pick them up from wherever.

Thanks so much!

Horned Oak Gall Wasp - Callirhytis quercuscornigera Amphibolips confluenta Disholcaspis quercusmamma Cynipidae, leaf galls on Post Oak, perhaps Amphibolips quercusinanis