Main Entryway Floor (Terrazzo) Project

Hi Folks,

We have received a communication from Scioto that they will be re-finishing the main entryway floor. They believe this process will take the majority of Spring Break, but should be done before the students return. This process will involve moving all of the carpets, furniture, displays and cases off of the terrazzo tiles. Scioto, and the appropriate college facilities people, would prefer that library staff handle the library materials (like the displayed materials near the main stairwell) to make sure they are handled with proper care. They will request the appropriate movers for the furniture.

They have warned us that the floor will be exceedingly slippery and potentially dangerous for much of the process. They encouraged us to post signage and warn our users.

If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please contact Bill Ruth. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

More Fire Alarms

Hi Folks,

Just spoke to one of the electricians and they informed us that one of the
panels they tested last week needs an additional test. Some time in the
next hour or so (by 10am) they will begin testing. All of the
horns/sirens/sounds have been turned off but lights may flash on some or
all floors. They did apologize for the inconvenience.

Joseph B. Maiville

SIERRA USERS: Upgrade Coming During Spring Break Week

Hi Sierra Users,

I have requested a software upgrade for Sierra to occur during Spring Break Week. The upgrade will take us from version 5.2 to version 5.4.

All Sierra and OBIS functions will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

I have requested Wednesday, 4/6/22, between 3am–9am, as the preferred choice for the upgrade. The second choice is Thursday, 4/7/22, between 3am–9am. I do not expect the update to take the entire 6-hour window. I will let everyone know when the vendor has confirmed the exact day/time.

You will find release notes, known issues, and resolved issues information in a Box folder I shared named, “Sierra Upgrade Documents.” Please take a look at the release notes, as well as the known issues and resolved issues, for versions 5.3 and 5.4 so you are aware of any changes coming.

For example, in version 5.3, the Circulation function “View Outstanding Holds” is changed to “Manage Holds” and includes some enhancements. If you have questions or concerns about anything in the documentation, let me know and I’ll request more information from the vendor, if needed.


-Michael M.

Terrell Supply Room changes

Dear Colleagues,

You may have noticed some changes in the Supply Room in Terrell.  We are cleaning it up and getting rid of years of junk that has accrued in it with the goal of turning it into an office for our budget person.  (Phyllis was in the office that will be the Associate Director’s).

Most libraries and departments have their own storage supply areas and now’s the time to organize and stock them. For bulky supplies or overflow stock, we will be using an area in the new receiving room.  Until the Receiving Room is finished (late May?), you might still find supplies in the Supply Room.  But as I say, now is the time to clean up or carve out your departmental supply area.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Springshare Server Maintenance

Hi Everyone! Springshare sent a couple of maintenance notices for backend work they are performing this coming week:

  1. Critical server maintenance for all products starting at 5am Eastern on Wednesday December 22, 2021, which will require as much as 20 minutes of down time for each Springshare app (LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal, LibStaffer, LibWizard, LibInsight, and LibConnect).
  2. Server maintenance for the administrative side of LibGuides starting at 8pm Eastern on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, which will require as much as 2 hours of down time for the back end of LibGuides. This is in addition to the other server maintenance work scheduled for December 22nd starting at 5am Eastern.

The public side of LibGuides will remain online, though some functionality will not be available, including logging in to LibApps.