Library Council meets Wednesday Nov 9 @ 2:30

Library Council will be meeting at 2:30 Wednesday, Nov. 9 both in person in the Thornton room and via zoom (link below).  Among other things we’ll be discussing library staff presentations/talks and the call for people to sign up to make presentations.

Non-council members are always encouraged to attend as an observer, or if you have something you’d like to bring before LC.

OCL Strategic Directions 2022-2025 and Library Council announcement

In preparation for the visit from Brightspot Consultants next week (and also because we all want to keep this document handy), I’ve uploaded the OCL Strategic Directions document to the Library Council Google drive and added a link to it from the OCL Documentation Hub (top of the “System wide information” box).

Speaking of Library Council, we are meeting on Zoom this afternoon.  See the agenda here.

Staff party planners! (Yes, you). Let’s get together.

Library Council invites any and all interested members of the staff to plan a social gathering to celebrate 2023.  This would be an in-person event during the workday, early in January, with a suggested budget of $500 for a partially catered meal.  Details to consider: location, timing, potluck, menu, music, program, invitations to retirees, and how to gather feedback from the staff generally.  Your ideas and planning skills are needed!  Please contact with suggestions and to volunteer to participate on the party planning committee.  Thank you!

Nominate a colleague, a team, or yourself for a Staff Excellence Award

We are extending the submission deadline to November 7 for nominating individuals or a team for a staff excellence award.  At yesterday’s Library Council meeting, we discussed the nomination process and thought it might be helpful to name people in our past who would have certainly deserved such an award.  Lois Kane, for example, who was remembered in the Lowdown so recently, and whose prodigious contributions in cataloging are still benefiting music catalogers (and musicians who search those catalogs!).  Alan Boyd comes to mind for his leadership through an intensive self-study and the application process that resulted in Oberlin winning the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award.  You know people on our current staff who are doing great work and deserve recognition – tell us about them!
Nomination form new due date: November 7, 2022

Call for Nominations Now Open: Staff Excellence Awards

Valerie has appointed the committee to review staff nominations for the inaugural round of Staff Excellence Awards.  Committee members are: Michael Palazzolo, Alison Ricker, Julie Weir, Runxiao Zhu and Wendy Hyman (Chair, General Faculty Library Committee).  Your nominations of library staff, including self-nomination, are invited.  Please review this document:

Oberlin College Libraries Staff Excellence Awards approved by Library Council

Use the Nomination Form for your submission.  Submissions are due October 24.

Thank you.



September Pan-Library on Zoom

Dear Colleagues,

In consideration of numerous staff concerns about a possible uptick in COVID cases with the start of school, we will do our September Pan-Library Forum on Zoom.  I am sorry that we have not yet been able to implement the Moffett Auditorium gathering (with refreshments and conversation beforehand), but we will try again in October.

The meeting will begin at 2:30 as scheduled, but it will probably only last one hour.

The zoom link will be added to the DESCRIPTION in the calendar invite–but here it is here as well:

Please let me know if you have any items for the agenda in September.



Next Library Council Meeting: Sept. 14, 2pm

Library Council was scheduled for August 24 but consensus among Council members led us to move it to the next regularly scheduled meeting.  Vacation schedules and planning for orientation and the coming academic year will make the 4th week of August busy enough, without adding another meeting to the mix.  We will meet in the Thornton Room, with a Zoom line open also (see Thornton Room calendar).

On the agenda so far:

  • proposal of tangible items to give to staff who receive an award for excellence
  • proposal to hold monthly forum for library staff to present on some aspect of their work (contributions to the profession, etc.) in order to give more visibility to important accomplishments of all staff members

Add your suggestions for Library Council agenda here.