Tell Us What You’ve Been Up To!

Our next Take Five Talks session will be Thursday April 13, 2:30pm, in the Thornton Room and via Zoom.  It’s your chance to share information on a special project, significant accomplishment, conference or workshop participation, or other interesting endeavor that enhances the Libraries in some manner.  And an opportunity to eat a Take Five candy bar without guilt 😉

Submit your idea with the Take Five Talks Form (see the link in the sidebar, right) or HERE.

Support your colleagues–attend Take Five Talks

Reminder: The first Take Five Talks will feature two of our colleagues on Thursday, December 15 at 2:30 in the Thornton Room and by Zoom. You will receive a link soon. Both speakers are presenting in person. Presentations are 5-10 minutes.

Megan will talk about her recent experience as a presenter and attendee at the Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference.

Emerson will discuss cataloging a colonial Bengali-English music manuscript (1876).

Light refreshments in the Thornton Room courtesy of Alison, Chair of Library Council.

7 December: Pan Library Line Up

December 7 Pan-Library Forum

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Pan-Library Forum next week.  We will gather in the Moffett Auditorium as usual, with conviviality and snacks beginning at 2:30 and the meeting proper from 3-4.  The line-up for this month is:

  • Q&A with Kevin Brown, Director of Facilities
  • State of the Unit: Barb Prior, Clarence Ward Art Library
  • Digital Initiatives Group, Megan Mitchell
  • Library Council updates, Alison Ricker
  • Meaningful and Measurable Data and Kudo Shout Outs
  • Circ. Work Group report out
  • Associate Director for Collections & Resources Services, Paul Heyde
  • Emergency Preparedness Task Force status report, Ed Vermue

It’s a full schedule, but we’ll leave room for Questions, Announcements

Take Five Talks – Your Opportunity to Share!

Reminder! the first “Take Five Talks” session is Thursday, December 15 at 2:30. This is for everyone on staff: please consider sharing information about projects underway, new initiatives, and recent accomplishments in your work in the Libraries.  There is much we can learn from one another, beyond the snippets of information that are shared in various work groups or department meetings or summarized in annual reports.  Tell us what you’re up to!

Use this form to indicate your interest in presenting in either December, February or April. The goal is five-minute talks, with Q&A time, and presentations can extend to 10 minutes if needed. To be held in the Thornton Room and on Zoom.  Sponsored by Library Council.