Library Council Proposed Changes

Hi all,

Many thanks to those of you who participated in the discussion regarding Library Council at the Pan-Library Forum today. I mentioned that we are asking for feedback. Please fill out this Google Form and share your thoughts with us! Remember to click on the OCL Committee Roster link and update the committee memberships.

DEADLINE is June 21st

Thank you for your help!



Leftover Faijtas in the Fridge and cookies in the freezer & remainder of Metcalf goodie bags

Left over faijita ingredients in the fridge and Feve pasta salad, coleslaw, hummus/chips in the Staff Lounge fridge. Plates and silverware in the cupboard in the Lounge.

Cookies of all 3 types are in the freezer.

See Matt for any Metcalf Student bags and certificates you still need to get to your students. Any unused stoles, Friends info, or other non-perishables- please return them to Matt.

Looking Ahead… Take 5 Talks invited for the October session

During the last meeting of Library Council we noted that October is recommended as the time for the next Take 5 Talks session.  This is your opportunity to share news about a special project in your department, a staff development event, or other fulfilling activity that enhances your work.  Examples of possible topics are in the proposal form – please consider signing up and share your experience/expertise with other staff members.

Keep this in mind especially if you are attending any workshops, webinars, conferences, or other staff development events in the coming month!