DHL Notes 8/31/22

31 August 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Budget: Erin went over July’s budget.  Kathy asked about student wage increases for returning student staff. No extra funds for that, so managers should do what they need to do to stay within budget if they give raises. (i.e., need to cut hours to give raises–there is no extra money in the budget).

Facilities: No word on hiring the architectural firm for space planning yet.

New carpet soon in Terrell Admin.  Old will be removed and mold mitigation before new is laid.

Leaks in Con still a worry; Leaks on sundeck of Terrell still a worry.

Security working with Terrell on upstairs/downstairs issues and camera access.

Reading Girl has a new plinth and looks great in “Readers’ Row” (new name for that front part of Terrell outside of the cafe).


Human(e) Resources: Archives internship posted. Natalie did a great job onboarding Marla.  Marla is great.

Library Operations


Glossy Annual Report. Story list and writing underway. May need help/info. Hoping to go to press in October. Ed: Add new type and presses. Other additions?

OCOPE negotiations –Vote on it next week.

New PR Plan underway. “LOL”. Check bathroom stalls as a place to post.

Banners will be designed for lamp posts outside Terrell

Next PanL is September 7, on zoom. Please send VH any agenda items.


-Committee & Task Force Updates from Student Supervisors Committee;

-Library Council update/news;

-Working Group Reports: ACE



Patron records finally loaded August 30 (thank you Michael M)

Mobile IDs are working well for circulating books

Emergency Response, deadline for update: November 1, 2022. Update and Presentation to staff at Pan-L in December. Onsite training once a year. [Ed, Sara, Michael P and ask Natalie–Con is ahead of everyone!]

Circulation computers–upgrades necessary. Has Michael M. been asked about this?

OhioLInk ILS listening sessions have wrapped up.  Good notes. RFP writing process now to get underway.  All notes are on Ostaff, which requires an Ostaff login (

ILS clean up and migration workflows. Efficiencies in general in tech workflows (for CDs in particular at Con; other things in Terrell)

Gov docs

Collection Development Statement–will be updated to reflect current practices and the collections-as-service model.


Orientation was a huge success at Terrell! Would have liked to have more students, but it was good. Thanks to all!

Terrell PA system now in the hands of circ folks for closing.

Screencast-o-matic videos are being updated by Grace and Kathy to take out some COVID-related material.  Music uses these a lot.  Alonso, Julie, Barb and others have reviewed the general tutorial videos and noted which need to be edited. See Spreadsheet of review comments.

Avalon and copyright; Avalon and reserves.  Please check to see if there are outstanding issues and let Michael M. know.

Some staff out with COVID. 

Second floor of Terrell is loud now and we are getting complaints.

Study rooms/carrel check out opens tomorrow

Still working with Security/Facilities on upstairs/downstairs issues.

Deaccessioning: for near future, put books in boxes with red stickers on boxes and store in receiving room for regular pick up and disposal by movers.

Friends dinner scheduled for Friday, November 4.

Other: Voter registration in Science Library!

Old business: Master’s theses project progress update?

All physical copies (1) should be transferred to Special Collections (Terrell or Con); all copy 2s deaccessioned.  Digitization project should be underway (Bill Ruth). Kathy to follow up with Con; Ed to follow up with Barb (who says she may not be able to start project until spring) Talking with Megan about this and other theses questions next week.

Other: Liz Sullivan will join us on 9/7 to discuss stats. Megan Mitchell to discuss theses.

DHL Notes 8/24/22

24 August 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Budget: Official numbers not in Banner yet.  Erin will nonetheless review budgets with each department head. Paul still talking with some about their budgets as well.


Temp/Humidity monitoring. Chet Achebe says nothing can be done to control humidity in Terrell. Poor envelope–this will be a big issue with architectural consultants.  Barb says the Art Library is better and they get action when they report problems. 70-72 degrees in Summer; Winter 68-70 degrees is ideal. We are not there. Never allow humidity to go over 60% or you get mold–ours has been over 60% in much of Terrell for 3 weeks. Look for mold.

Camera Access requested for: Ken Grossi, Ed Vermue, Bill, Tracy, Valerie

Art: Barb

Alison: Science

Kathy: Con

Moffett auditorium is open for use.

Shelving replacement in Art: Remaining book trucks were finally removed last week.  Growing collection of volumes that won’t fit in Oversize; getting estimate for a “cubby.”

Human(e) Resources: Marla is here!  Archives and Special Collections internship position is posted.

Library Operations: ILS: ILS Migration Task Force has met. This will be a big focus of our work over the next two years. Our work will change and we will survive!

Alumni access issues–WISR is going away. Authentication of alumni users is the concern. Paul and Michael M working on this.

ALiCe training: happening in several libraries.   Training software?  Do we need something more intense/thorough?

Library Communications: BookArts series is ready to go.  Library Perspectives e-newsletter underway; Public Annual Report also in preparation (October publication). Request for banners in front of Terrell.

Please be aware: Any work order that doesn’t say Maintenance on it, will be charged to your department–and you have very little in your services budget line, so be very careful. Quote from director of facilities: “Over 95% of all workorders for the libraries should be marked Maintenance (moving, painting, fixing, etc.).  Only “elective” jobs are charged to the libraries.   Please copy Erin on any work orders.

Annual reports for A&PS employees due: August 31. Meet with all direct reports; try to remove roadblocks and encourage planning and ….show appreciation!


Art Library: Deep in preparation for the Allen Art Museum party on Tues. 8/30. Have 100 6” magnets of Clarence Ward; costumes for Clarence are on order.  Continue to work with Terrell staff moving bound periodicals. Lots of requests for instruction sessions and processing many reserve requests. Wrapping up summer collection management projects.

Con Library: Marla started on Monday

CIT will have a window of time to get into the Conservatory Library.

Orientations underway

Take-Down requests and Honors’ Theses.  Megan will be invited to the next meeting to discuss.  Also check on Masters’ Theses project too?  One physical, one scanned copy was the plan. Where is it?  Physical copies in archives or sc.  Is this a project?

Total linear feet: 40,914 Carnegie

DHL Notes 8/17/22

17 August 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Orientations!  New Faculty orientation on August 15 went well. Good questions.  Megan did an amazing job.

Art: We had a good crowd and several stayed behind to discuss bringing their classes in!

Art has been invited to the AMAM’s welcome party. We think we will have an iPad kiosk (thank you Michael McF) and a “Make your own Mail Art” table. Confirming details with Hannah K. today.

We still need volunteers to help with the Library orientation/open house event on 8/29 from 4-7pm in Terrell.

Con has a 120 person class with required orientation.

Next Pan-Library Forum: in person or zoom?  Decision: Zoom only one more time because of influx of new students. 2:30 start .  1 hour.

Several group study rooms in Terrell that are coming back online: 302, 305, 306, 313, 404, 405.  Library Learning Lab in 113 also returning to library use.  Classroom 202 will be shared with the Registrar, who will book classes up until 3pm.  Thereafter, the room is for library instruction, meetings, and group study.

Architectural Consultants update: no update but decision to be made soon.

Gate counts and statistics. Statistics weeks each semester for check on gate counts (which sometimes fail?)   Ask Liz.  Also, is there a typical fudge factor %. ?

Student refs don’t like LibAnswers and may not be keeping good track. Should we invite Liz to meeting with DHL and Liz to go over stats?  There seems to be some confusion. Next year is key in seeing how libraries impact teaching, learning, and research, as well as student success.

Issues: The past few years have been anomalies. Use of adjuncts and library collaborations. Use of google drive for CMS by many adjuncts.  Unable to report reserve use because faculty are doing their own thing–not even using Blackboard.  Is this an issue that the Faculty  Library Committee could address? No motivation, especially for adjuncts.

Copyright questions came up.  Perhaps a program on fair use for faculty, librarians, especially relating to reserves.?  ARL Fair Use Week (Feb. 2023)  Kyle Courtney, Harvard.

See good graphic, four factors list

New security gates ordered for Art, Con, and Mudd LL.

Con Library: Hired new circ supervisor: Marla Thompson.  Welcome home!

Circ terminals:  Con is running 2013 machines with Windows 7.  Will Windows 10 crash. Needs new hardware.  Ask Michael M. for results of his survey.  All need upgrading: 3 in Con, 1 in Science, 3 Art; 1 SCCA; 3-5.

Art Library has a great new exhibition for the Fall semester: “Overseas to Oberlin: Mail Art at Oberlin” (I think!)

MCT Elementary School opens Sept. 13.  The have borrowed our exhibition.  Valerie speaking at the opening. Nice opportunities for connections.   Bring bookmarks?  (ask Heath).

Virginia Weedon is the librarian.

DHL Notes 8/3/22

3 August  2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

-Light attendance due to vacations

-Any last minute things for PanL Forum today? Always use the PanL Schedule grid to add to agenda, please

-Gate counts and stats…

-Ready to go with Security Gates?

-Stories for Annual reputation piece:please send suggestions to VH.

-Student Library Advisory Board membership 2022/23: if you know of students interested please send them to VH.

-ILS Migration Task Force held first meeting Monday. Michael M. and Liz created a survey based on the OhioLINK listening session survey they sent out Tuesday to all staff to gather feedback by this Friday by noon so Michael can compile all feedback and submit it by OhioLINK’s deadline of Aug 8.

-New Cataloging Policy Group: forum for discussing and setting all standards, policies, and procedures for cataloging across the Oberlin College Libraries. Tim Keller will serve as the chair of the group and standing members will include Selina Wang, Rebecca Belford, Michael McFarlin, Runxiao Zhu and four rotating OCOPE catalogers (including at least one from the Conservatory Library).

DHL Notes 7/27/22

27 July 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Security Gate update

Need to replace the gates in Art and Con, and add a gate to Terrell.  Decided to not use RFID tags; will stick with EM for now.


Kathy sang Grace’s praises

Berger update; Hinton collection processing this year.

Need to put Emerson welcome notice in Library Lowdown

Circ coordinator position closed; Kathy A. going over applications now.


We are very close to the bone this year. Be careful about everything.  Make sure you have the money in your budget.  Work orders, if not maintenance/building charge, cost money.  Try to find out charges. Waiting for endowments, special funds and final funds in Banner.

Dean’s Professional development fund is still in effect this year.

Question about full budget view by this group. FY23 required major cuts to catch up with 15% overall 5-year cut. We will have a meeting to go over budget numbers for the past several years and next year.

Library advocacy is key for our future. Annual reports, etc., but more PR that the administration sees may help. Working on an annual “leave behind” piece to report on library activities and statistics for a public audience. Faculty and staff appreciate the library; let’s make sure everyone on campus knows what we do for the educational mission!

Art Library:

Expanding coverage in curriculum and requests for collections to support it. Response: Collections as Service. We cannot own all the books we need. Our budget means that we are really no longer building collections–we are experts at access now. Recurring costs, inflation, One Oberlin commitment to cut costs, higher education cuts, etc. are all part of this.


Disability services will be moving into study rooms on the 2nd floor.

Statistical info: Ask Liz to remind folks how they should be collecting and reporting them out . The new year has begun!

Library hours: Discussion of student needs vs. student wage budget.

DHL Notes 7/13/22

13 July 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • Can we change the default homepage for the library computers? In Con, they default to Google. Not sure if this is a remote imaging problem or what. (KAA).

    • Can branch and main public libraries have their distinct library webpage as default on their computers? Valerie will submit a ticket for this. Big UserX issue for libraries!

Circ terminals at Con are old – still running Windows 7. What’s the upgrade schedule? Michael McFarlin says ask him about it. Kathy will do this.  Can Michael M. also check with other branches?  Science circ computer is running Windows 10.

Report of the task force on defining our communities of work. Largely descriptive of what is already in existence.  Committees clarified–with some discussion of how committees form?  LC should discuss how to form them, approvals, vetting, sponsor?

Groups are separate, based on established positions/responsibilities, whereas Working Groups are appointed by council, committees, or groups and remain in force as an integral part of council or the committee or group that appointed it ; task forces–limited duration, single focus.  Have a look at the fuller definitions. Thank you, Paul, Tim and Rebecca!

  • RFP Process and facilities planning (VH). Three firms have submitted proposals for doing the work. All promise to involve stakeholders.  Director of Facilities and VH will interview with firms in the coming week. Exciting prospect and clear commitment on part of the College.

  • COVID…again…and mice and men (VH). New variant may change some of our plans for coming academic  year, but at this point, keep planning!

  • Shelving storage issue in Receiving Room (VH)

    • Not enough room for all our shelving. Meeting today to resolve.

  • ILS migration movement

    • Paul will report at the Pan-Library forum on our representative review task force.

  • Planning, annual reports, honeycombs, and communication (VH).

Going pretty well.  Noticeable improvement in willingness to express views, make suggestions, etc. VH would like to see more comments on Library Lowdown, even if just a high five or a quick query to help focus–but this may come yet. It takes time to build trust, but it is so important for a healthy workplace.

  • Welcome banners!  We will have them. Valerie should ask Heath about “loading” our own into the frame.

  • StaffTimeAway Calendar–Please note all PTO on this calendar (sick, vacation, dr. appt, prof. Dev., etc.) ANYTIME you’re away, please note it in the StaffTimeAway calendar so that we know who is present (OCOPE and A&PS).. This is an operations and risk management issue, not a time-keeping or oversight issue. No need to explain what kind of PTO, just your name or name and” PTO.” Supervisors can put this in for you if you call in sick.  Current sick leave policy in A&PS Handbook: Sick leave for short-term illness is not defined in terms of an allotted number of days for A&PS. Employees have personal responsibility for deciding if they are not feeling well, and if coming to work will be detrimental to themselves or to others. In any case, employees are expected to communicate with their supervisor when they are not able to attend to their work duties. If an employee intends to be home, and not work, they may be required by their supervisor to use their vacation time. On a case-by-case basis, a supervisor does have discretion to allow an employee to work remotely (see Remote Work Policy). Patterned absences could be considered for discipline.

  • That’s the official policy, but we are just asking for a way to determine who’s on campus each day in case we are looking for them.

  • Art Library: shelving replacement project from Hades is nearly complete–a month later than promised.  Still missing a little shelving and working with company.

  • Bound art journal move update: underway, meeting again tomorrow.  Hope to be finished by Thanksgiving.

DHL Notes 7/6/22

6 July 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Copyright Clearance opt out. Valerie has asked Oberlin’s legal counsel if we may process the opt out papers for OCL. More info on this:

OhioLINK ILS migration

VH has sent memo to Deans explaining OhioLink’s move toward a new ILS for all libraries, with note on probable additional costs for us. For background, here’s OhioLink’s announcement.  Paul will be gathering together task force to plan for clean up and other migration issues and to help OhioLink evaluate vendors during the RFP process.

Consortial question: Question as to why Oberlin stayed out of Ohio 5 consortium in current ILS environment.  Leaning towards more consortial arrangement if beneficial to us this time.  Kathy will talk with Phyllis and Valerie will talk with Ray about the reasoning behind being separate in the past.

Fiscal year close

Sierra is closed. Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved!  Erin is reconciling, etc. in Banner. She doesn’t anticipate finance getting our budget  numbers into Banner any sooner than last year… but we know our budget for FY23 and it will be put into Sierra. Any adjustments due to endowments will come down the pike later.  Managers will meet monthly with Erin on their budgets. We are in a different world now, a world without wiggle room in the budget, so we must be vigilant.

FY23 firm orders budget after recurring materials costs is less than $150K. This means we are a demand-driven library now, not a collection-building library. We must think of collections as a service in this new environment. Please make it clear to your staff, however, that we will try very hard never to say no to faculty requests  (and yes, we continue to buy a copy of  every faculty publication).  We just do not have the luxury of building “just in case” collections any longer.  VH notes that this minimal budget should incentivize us to take a long hard look at databases and journals (again) since cutting recurring costs is the only way to gain more funds for one-time acquisitions.

Fiscal year beginning info: budget advice memo that went out last week was for general guidance on ordering things outside of collections budget. Each branch has its own supplies/work order budget; please keep abreast of these costs and “know before you go” with this kind of thing.  Aiming for more transparency from facilities on costs, especially from facilities/transportation. Barb will share a memo from a few years ago that might shed light on this.

FY23 ordering will begin again in mid July; Paul will let us know when firm orders can begin with a memo.

Art Library, much underway, many issues with shelving move and installation.  Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Barb will write it up and Valerie will pass on to Director of  Facilities.  Problem with furniture that did not arrive by June 30–costs will eat into capital budget for FY23.

Science Library: carpet cleaning underway.  Cushions need cleaning.  Alison informed us that the library is actually open Fridays in July, 1:00-4:30.  This was not noted in earlier LLT/DHL notes when the decision about closing was made. Signage around campus does not reflect it, but Library hours page is updated to reflect this.

Conservatory Library: Carpets are being cleaned.  Hard to take on summer projects because staff is down a bit.  Still teaching and reaching out to various constituencies. Tearful farewells to Debbie.

Archives: Summer intern, Elliot, is doing well. Footsteps to Freedom tours–this year at First Church (Ken and Amanda from Oberlin Heritage Center).  Artz scholars: 4 scholars this summer.  Hours are an issue, but have been handled.

Annual reports/planning

Professional librarians self-evaluation/annual reports due August 31

Departmental reports (libraries, Tech Services, Public Services) and planning. Please review Strategic Directions goals and values with your staff.  Many have not internalized it, VH notes.  It’s a good compass and reflects our values and our constituents desires.  Let’s use it.  Alison suggests sharing our planning documents with this group.  Good idea!  Also, VH asks that departments include plans/goals/directions for next year in their annual report for this year.

Facilities Plan, architectural firm this summer. 

No dates for their visit yet, but the firm is supposed to be decided upon in early July.  VH has meeting for July 13 to discuss with facilities leaders. More when we have it.

Updates: Michael McFarlin working with CIT on SSO in Sierra for patron accounts. VH asks about  Pioneer questions?

Mobile IDs: Michael M. also working on that. CIT did not consult with the libraries before implementing. Make sure CircWorking Group is up on this.  OhioLink borrowing and the new barcode?  Etc.

Recall system needs to work by the start of school. CircWork group gave go-ahead.

Gate update for Con Library, Mudd LL, and Art?  VH will resend email about the payment stuff. Need resolution now. VH will also check on the fact that Matt and Erin still do not have access to software (Microsoft and Adobe–since February.  Using personal accounts.

Library Leadership Notes: 6/1/22

1 June 2022

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • Welcome Kathy, Farewell Debbie, Bye-Bye LLT, Hello …  and a discussion of the How We Work document. VH asks each group to be responsible/accountable, innovative, collaborative, and communicative–and to feel empowered to move things forward in their areas. Reporting and communication structure should help all stakeholders (and all staff) know what’s happening in each area.

  • Searches updates

    • Evening and Weekend supervisor interviews underway

    • Offer made to candidate for Conservatory Librarian for Special Collections position

    • Filled 1-year appt for Conservatory reference and instruction position

    • Archives and Special Collections staff will discuss the search for a new intern

  • PDQs

    • Supervisors must meet with A&PS to confirm entries before submissions

    • VH will go through all her direct reports and submit before she leaves on vacation/study trip (June 10-July 4).

  • Performance evaluation and review process for A&PS

    • HR process opens today – check your email for a link and information

  • ACE (Assessment, Communications, and Engagement -[as in Programming]) Retreat report

    • Events calendar will roll out this summer on library website.

    • Internal events calendar for staff?  VH will check with ACE

    • STATS Force – short term working group, work will be carried on by ACE Team

  • OCL Staff Organization –

    • Action item: Rebecca, Tim and Paul will create a list defining our different groups (task force, work group, working group, etc.) so we can start using the terms consistently. Report back by Jul 1, 2022

    • What groups do we currently have–incomplete and in need of updating:

      • OCL Staff Documentation Hub

      • List of OCL committees, etc. from 2017:
        DAG; Digital Projects: Diversity; Liaison Librarians; Metcalf Committee; Professional Personnel Committee; Reference and Instruction Group; Resource Promotion Team; Social Media Team; Staff Assembly Committee; and Staff Association Committee.

      • A “Work Group” is a “community of practice” that gets things done!

      •  Lists from Library council: Committees/Ad Hoc Groups Folder (with some bonus info). May need updating.

    • COMMITTEES: Library Council will be asked to review charges, train chairs, oversee representative and revolving memberships, and disband standing committees, regardless of where they report. Associate Directors or Director is ex officio on most committees. Part of chair orientation: Library Council regularly informs committee chairs that budgets must be planned and approved for those committees that need funds (parties, events, etc.) LC  oversees the committee structure to ensure that it is equitable, representative, and communicative.  LC sets rotating schedule of Pan-L committee reports throughout the year via the Pan-L scheduler.

    • TASK FORCES; WORKGROUPS, TEAMS, ETC. Definitions will follow, with distinctions between ad hoc, standing, etc. Library Council is not responsible for any of these communication/working groups. LC only oversees the committee structure to ensure that it is equitable, representative, and communicative.

Library Leadership Notes: 5/25/22

25 May 2022

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • Evaluation and Review Process

A memo went out to A&PS staff regarding the new process for annual review and evaluation.  VH said that this is a happy confluence of the college’s desire to have such reviews and A&PS staff desires to restart such reports.  We are using an online system which we were allowed to amend to fit our needs as professional librarians. It’s still boxes to fill in, but we hope to make this a positive experience by looking at (and celebrating) our accomplishments, helping to remove roadblocks, and looking forward to the next year with workplace and professional development goals.

  • Internal communication and decision making

    • After a flurry of discussion in person and via email on ideas for slightly restructuring internal communications in light of new hires and in order to improve upon already good communications in the libraries, Valerie has proposed a new way of looking at How We Work that builds upon what we have and, hopefully, expands avenues for information sharing and communications about our work together.  She will present her idea at Pan-L.

  • In the discussion of this, the view came up that the Library Council may see itself as more advisory than action-oriented. We discussed the need to reiterate their charge and to be sure everyone understands that they are an integral part of our work, planning, and decision processes. [See description of LC]

    • Smaller discussion of library committees, working groups, task forces.  Need for definitions and up to date list.

    • Summer project to update OCL Staff Website (and put quick link to it from Library Lowdown)

    • Where do we keep policies?  Matt will gather together in a Box folder and pass off to Tim who will ORGANIZE it all and suggest naming conventions, folder, etc. to keep it straight and in one place (wishful thinking?)

    • Debt/Credit Obie$$ –no cash system coming to a public services desk near you…soon!

    • Some discussion of book sales at this juncture.  Remember that we are working with Better World Books now (Selina), but that every library can determine if they want to do a book sale/give away of gift books.

  • Allocations in June/July

    • Materials allocations will be done in June/July (early this year!!–or rather, properly on time).

Other news:

Evening and Weekend supervisor search well underway

One-year music librarian search nearing end

Music Special Collections Librarian search underway!

Library Leadership Notes: 5/4/22

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

PDQ questions (Rebecca)

Time reckoning may not best match what OCL needs or our official job descriptions- how to address this?

VH suggests: Might be good to preface it all with: “the overarching responsibility is to furthering the Strategic Goals of the College and the Libraries (and cite our Strategic Directions doc).”  Deb opines that this PDQ process is really just a step–but important to note everything that we do (or ought to do) regardless of what you are really doing now.  Look at it broadly/ideally, not just as a record of your current day-to-day work at this moment (filling in this or that or putting out fires), but reflecting your overall job description.

Q: Does HR have our most recent job descriptions? Tracy will forward all updated A&PS job description to Beth, Maggie, and Joe. MSM noted that current job descriptions may not always be exactly what they ought to be (evolving librarianship…). This is a useful exercise and one that will lead to market research and a better appreciation of what we do in the libraries–embrace it!

NB: LLT will begin to invite Kathy Abromeit as of June 1 for overlap

DACs as framework?

  • DACs – hold monthly meetings, may be easier for librarians to be able to have a presence with faculty

  • Possible fund organization basis?

  • VH will put this idea forward at Pan-L, too.  Food for thought for now.

Discussion of various roles of librarians in areas of reference, research, liaising, selecting.  Need for more clarity and fewer meetings perhaps.  Research and Instruction Librarians group?  Plus a collection development collegium?  What about things like Scholarly Communications and Digital Scholarship?  Again, needs more input for those involved, but open to new ways of thinking about how librarians can work best together.

Any comments on Missing item cleanup plan, or move to email/later meeting?  Many missing items. Clean up now in prep for ILS migration and general database hygiene?

  • What happens if patron brings book for checkout and it is not in OBIS? (Will work out solution with Tracy, circ, branch circ.)

  • FYI (Ed): Old/Oberliana – may be in Special Colls even if item location is not

  • (Side reclass discussion: Does keeping things in Dewey help students avoid editions they should not be using for research)

  • LLT positively leaning toward this….YES! (Plan as a whole; many more meetings needed re specifics (inventory, circ, other), outlined on plan document.)

  • Carnegie discussion–some things may be marked missing because certain staff didn’t know where to look for them. (Cleanup plan recommends meeting with Tracy/Cameron/branch stacks/Paul re all current inventory projects, which would include Carnegie.)

  • Will liaisons be able to get circ counts and other info? Yes.

  • Alison: Please don’t reclass Science Deweys. (Focusing on missing, there are only 4 Deweys not identified for withdraw if found; if items are deleted the reclass note will disappear.)

  • After discussion, vote taken and this project green lighted to move forward.  Rebecca will, however, discuss with Paul when he arrives.

Any comment on the draft  thesis policy?

  • First or only copy to be housed in special collections, will not circulate

  • Anyone encountering a copy 1, copy with tipins, etc consult with Ed; probably a special collections copy

  • Theses in Art, Terrell, Con, Sci

  • ACTION ITEM: run lists, get count, see where copy 1’s are (rb coordinate). Consistent note? [Update: lists run and spreadsheet sent to LLT email list May 4]

  • ACTION ITEM: Ed will send examples to try to track

  • Art against circulating copy 2; OCL generally avoids circulating scarce titles.  Digitizing theses avoids this problem.

  • Digitization plan masters theses – to IR with takedown on request

Please send any comments or questions. We will take a read on consensus (or not) at the next LLT meeting–consensus will determine overarching policy.