Art Librarian Appointed

I am very pleased to announce that Eugénie Fortier will be joining us as our new Art Librarian beginning October 2, 2024.  Eugénie has a BA/BFA from New College of Florida, and an MA in Art History from Hunter College, as well as a Masters of Library Science from San José State University. She wrote her thesis on James McNeill Whistler.

Currently, Eugénie works at the Frick Collection in New York in their Art Reference Library. She has been working in art libraries since 2012.  Eugénie is a member of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and is particularly interested in information and visual literacy.  She started a library book club, volunteers with the Prison Library Support Network, and keeps up a regular blog for the Frick Art Library.  Welcome, Eugénie!

I’d also like to thank the wonderful Megan Mitchell for once more stepping up to the plate when the Oberlin College Libraries needed her.  She has been far more than an “interim” librarian and we are deeply grateful for the important decisions and progress she has made in the Art Library.  Thanks also go to Natalie Gutiérrez-Negrón who has not only kept the ship afloat but also introduced many improvements and upgrades to the Art Library.

And finally, thanks to the marvelous search committee members, who got the job done!  Heath Patten, Eboni Johnson, Paul Heyde, Tracy Sutherland, and Sam Adams, with help from Kristina Paabus, Andria Derstine, Erik Inglis, Matt Rarey, Kevin Greenhill, and others from the art museum.

Free Conference on Academic Library Management


The Conference on Academic Library Management (CALM) strives to fill a gap in the academic library professional development landscape by focusing on practical management skills and concrete practices. There is a significant focus in academic libraries on “leadership;” this conference is interested in the practical skills of management that impact the day-to-day work of departments and units within academic libraries.

Interim Science Librarian

I am pleased to announce that Tracy Sutherland has agreed to serve as Interim Head of the Science Library beginning September 1, 2024.   This assignment, which we hope will be brief, will be in place during the interim between Alison’s retirement and the start date for a new STEM Librarian.  Tracy continues in her role as Associate Librarian for Public Services.


Science Center CLOSED all summer for SIP construction – Library still open!

I will update the science library web page this morning to alert users that the science library’s collection is still available by curbside delivery at the Woodland St. half-circle drive.  Call x58310 or email if you need anything!  I will post signs at the science center entrances with this access information.  Science library staff will handle routine delivery to and from Terrell.  The library will be open our normal summer hours 9-noon, 1-4:30 M-F for the faculty, staff, and research students in biology, chemistry and neuroscience departments.  Valerie, Tracy, Paul, and Ed will be authorized to enter the science center, from the east and west doors.  Oh… a huge blue dumpster just got placed on the grass outside my office window and an enormous crane is being situated at the north door.  I’m glad I parked my bike by the west door!

STEM Librarian position posted

Alison’s last day is August 31, 2023, alas.  We are opening the search for a new STEM librarian as of today. Please help spread the word. 

Open Date: 04/24/2023
Close Date:
Open Until Filled? Yes
If the position is to remain open there may be no close date.


Current Posting Status: Posted

Title:  STEM Librarian
Position Number: C16115
Posting Number: APS150861PS
Department:  Science Library

Job Summary: 

We are seeking a dynamic and innovative STEM Librarian with a commitment to undergraduate education and user-focused librarianship. The STEM Librarian manages the Oberlin College Libraries’ Science Library, located in the Science Center, and supports the teaching and research functions of the biology, chemistry, geology, neuroscience, and physics departments. The STEM Librarian fosters a community of practice on campus and remotely.

Reporting to the Director of Libraries, this is a full-time twelve-month position within the Oberlin College Libraries. The ideal candidate will be well versed in emerging areas of information science, scholarly communications, open access, open educational resources, research methodologies, software tools, and data services in the STEM disciplines.

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility are integral to all functions of Oberlin College Libraries. Oberlin is dedicated to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic staff committed to working in an environment in which “great minds do not think alike.” We encourage underrepresented groups, including people of color, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTIA+ individuals to apply.

The position operates in coordination with others in the Reference and Instruction Group and the Associate Director for Public Services to ensure consistent access services and outstanding user experience across Oberlin libraries. The position also contributes to planning, policy development, resource management, and decision-making within LRE and, as a member of the Libraries’ leadership team, appropriately to the college library system as a whole.

Please login to to review the accuracy of the posting.  If any changes are needed, you will need to contact us at 440-775-8430 to assist you.

Thank you,

Committee Rosters linked from the Staff Documentation Hub

FYI, I have added a link to the spreadsheet of current member rosters for OCL committees, work groups, etc. from the OCL staff documentation hub.  I know it will seem duplicitous, but there are helpful details in the Google spreadsheet and it is a document we can all edit.  Please take time to review it for completeness and accuracy.  I also added a brief explanation of DHL to the staff documentation hub, with a link to the minutes. If you haven’t looked at the documentation hub lately, it would be helpful to do so and consider what should be updated/added/removed.  Thanks to Ashley for creating the spreadsheet of committee/workgroup rosters.

Kathy Abromeit named Head of the Conservatory Library

Kathy Abromeit named Head of the Conservatory Library


Oberlin College & Conservatory is pleased to announce that Kathy Abromeit has been appointed the Head of the Conservatory Library.  Kathy is a library leader and scholar known for her positive, engaging, and user-centered approach to helping students and faculty.


The consummate music librarian, Kathy partnerswith faculty and students, sharpening their research skills and encouraging the use of new information sources. She moves into this position from her role as music reference and instruction librarian which she has held for over two decades. Locally, nationally, and internationally, Kathy Abromeit is active as a scholar and a librarian. She recently completed her term as the editor for the Basic Manual Series and oversees the “Music Received” column in Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association for the Music Library Association (MLA).Beginning this year, she also serves as chair of the Music Library Association’s Publication Committee chair.


“Her deep involvement in the profession and her strong advocacy for music research make her a great leader and a wonderful resource for students and faculty,” says College Librarian Valerie Hotchkiss. Dean William Quillen noted “her devotion to student success and her unfailing and unerring research assistance for everyone in the Conservatoryfrom first years to full professors.”


Kathy holds a degree in music history and theory from Lawrence University, as well as Master’s degrees in musicology and library and information science. Her areas of scholarly interest include music information literacy, faculty/librarian collaboration, African American spirituals, library inclusion and advocacy, and outreach. Her publications include the monographs An Index to African-American Spirituals for the Solo Voice (Greenwood Press, 1999), Spirituals: A Multidisciplinary Bibliography for Research and Performance (Music Library Association and A-R Editions, Inc., 2015), Ideas, Strategies, and Scenarios in Music Information Literacy (Music Library Association and A-R Editions, Inc., 2018), An Index to Negro Spirituals (SUNY Press, forthcoming), and Music Information Literacy: Inclusion and Advocacy (Library Juice Press, forthcoming), a co-authored volume.


Welcome, Kathy!  We’re glad you’re here

Facilities Plan Consultants on Campus Nov 1-2

I am pleased to announce that the College has chosen Fred Fischer & Partners and Brightspot Strategy to do a Space & Facilities Assessment and Design Plan for the Libraries.  They will be on campus November 1-2, doing tours our of spaces and meeting with various groups, including the Pan-Library Forum on Nov. 2, the faculty Library Committee, the Student Library Advisory Board.

Tours will take place on November 1 (time slots tba) and I have asked each unit head to meet with staff to discuss ideas about how to make our spaces more welcoming, accessible, efficient, and effective. In a way, we are reviewing what we did last fall so you have had a year to think about possible changes and improvements. Your group prep will be useful when the consultants tour our spaces and talk with all staff then and during the Pan-L Forum, which will be devoted to this topic.

We are ahead of the game with our good Strategic Directions document which states our shared values and sets out 6 Areas of Focus for our planning.  I would also point you to the Space Addendum, which the consultants have read carefully and which might serve as a basis and/or reference point for your ideas and suggestions.  There is plenty of room for your expertise and creativity within those goals. (I believe the Space Addendum begins on p. 12).

Their plan will only be able to meet our needs and values if we give them clear and direct input. Thank you for reflecting on this individually and as a unit before November 1.

