File Maker Pro–Please let CIT know about your data!

Center For Information Technology
FileMaker Pro Users: Tell Us About Your Database
If you are a FileMaker Pro user, CIT needs to hear from you. Please take five minutes to complete this brief questionnaire to provide important information about how you use your database.
Your response is critical to our understanding of the need for databases of this type at Oberlin and will assist us in making decisions that will better support all FileMaker users on campus.
Responses are requested by this Friday, March 3.

Designing Libraries for the 21st Century, edited by H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, and Leonora Crema (2022)

I thought you might find this collection of essays interesting as we go through our own space planning exercise. We own a paper copy in the stacks and it is also available as an open access edition at

This brief overview gives you some idea of the content…which I think mirrors that of our own “space exploration” in the present moment:

Designing libraries for the 21st century encompasses many aspects, ranging from conceptualizing a compelling, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable structure with a striking and functional interior to developing staff positions and expertise that will be commensurate with the capabilities of the facility when it opens. A technology infrastructure that will allow the building to change with a rapidly evolving technical environment and programming spaces to enhance the research and learning mission of the university are also key elements of the 21st-century library. Envisioning ways to highlight the library’s print and digital collections and identifying strategies to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the library will be integral to the success of the project for its constituencies. Often major building projects focus almost entirely on the physical facility, but in this volume, we make the case for looking at a building project in a more holistic fashion.


Looking for missing Terrell VHS tape

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a missing VHS tape (a hot commodity if there ever was one!)

Tennessee Williams: theater in process (1976) dir. Richard Slote

call # VCR-1327

It’s needed by a Prof. Last check in was 3/10/22. We’re the only OhioLINK library with holdings of this title and it hasn’t been commercially digitized. If you know the whereabouts of this title, please let me know ASAP. Thank you!!!

Michael P

EZ-Proxy, now with SSO

Hi Everyone,

Our proxy service for accessing electronic resources from off-campus, EZproxy, now includes a single sign-on login option. The login page that appears when a user clicks on a link in our Databases A-Z list provides a button to login using an ObieID (SSO) as well as a form for the traditional library barcode login.

Of course, one advantage of the SSO option is fewer clicks for users when they are already logged in to other Okta-authenticated services, such as their Oberlin email, in their web browser. Also, no need to memorize or locate their library barcode on their ObieID.

Note that resources that use OhioLINK’s proxy service will still require the library barcode.



OCL Collections Statement

The Collection Management Group reviewed and approved a new statement on how we support the curriculum and faculty and student research with the collections we acquire. The new statement updates and replaces the collection development philosophy that was last updated in 2001, and better reflects current academic library practices and methods for acquiring materials. Given the limitations we–like many academic libraries–face with space and budget, the statement prioritizes the libraries’ ability to provide access to materials to the Oberlin community when they need them rather than acquiring materials just in case they might be needed. This statement will also be used by the CMG and liaisons to guide our decision-making process when choosing which resources we add or remove from the collections to ensure our collections continue to provide robust support for our students and faculty.

Borges Collection compiled by Ana Cara

A finding guide for the Jorge Luis Borges Collection in Archives was just published in Archon. The collection primarily concerns a visit to Oberlin arranged by Emeritus Professor Ana Cara in 1983, and a digital collection under the Mellon Grant published in 2012. She is completing a book on Borges, which includes her interviews with him in Argentina. Those recordings are in the collection.

Open Access: New Policy Memo

 The recently released White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memo,  Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research, outlines updated guidance to require all federally funded research be made freely available upon its publication, and to be implemented no later than the start of 2026. However, there are many questions that have not yet been addressed.

OhioLINK has invited Michael Clarke, Managing Partner at Clarke & Esposito, to brief OhioLINK library staff, researchers, faculty, and administrators on the OSTP memo. He will discuss what it means for publishers and researchers, and how it may affect academic library content procurement.

2022 OSTP Memo: What Does it Mean for Publishers, Researchers, and University Libraries? September 29, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Registration for this briefing is open to all OhioLINK library staff, member institution researchers, faculty members, and administrators. OhioLINK is asking for name, institution name, and title only so that they can better understand the composition of the audience. This information will not be used for marketing purposes.