Love Week 2022

Dear everyone,

Ready for “Love Week” in the Libraries again this year? The week-long celebration (last held in 2020) was quite a success. It’s time to bring back this fun libraries-wide tradition!

This year, due to the end of Winter Term and the start of Spring semester, we propose doing this during the week of Feb. 21-25. Yes, it’s after Valentine’s Day, but it comes at a time when more students should be on campus for spring classes.

If you have ideas for what event(s) you’d like to do (and on which dates), please let us know by Monday, Feb. 14. Just use this form to get started, and we’ll be in touch to help iron out details!

Thank you!

P.S. — See calendars below for past Love Week events.

Webinar: Intro to Religious Literacy and Awareness


This event is sponsored by Sinclair College’s Diversity Office

January 21, 2022 | 1:00 p.m.

Virtual discussion facilitated by:

Amanda Hayden, M.A., RYT
Associate Professor and Course Coordinator
Religion & Humanities, Humanities, Government & Modern Languages

REGISTER HERE: (Scroll down the page a bit to find the event in the list of upcoming events, and then click the link for community members to register)