Beware offensive voicemail message

Dear all,

Today, I listened to a voicemail that was left on my work phone last night around 9:07 PM.  The caller was angry and said that he was glad the bakery (Gibson’s) got their money and said a lot of derogatory, offensive things about Oberlin College.  No one else in Terrell Reference has received this message (which comes from an “external number”) but if you do receive it, please report it to Campus Safety, as I have done.

Since the call comes from an external number, it probably won’t be traceable, but at least there will be a record of it in case the calls keep happening or if the caller’s anger escalates.

Stay safe, y’all.


2 thoughts on “Beware offensive voicemail message

  1. Ugh. I am so sorry.

  2. Ugh–so sorry that happened, Eboni. *&^%^#!

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