A Mendery Success Story from Con Library Preparations

Through an unfortunate, unknown event involving some sort of solvent, the Conservatory Library’s brand new copy of the score of … [and of course Henry the horse] dances the … by Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez returned from the bindery with a hole clear through one page of music. We decided it would be easier to repair in house than request a replacement, and I am pleased to report the surgery was a success! After research into the best method for repair, Preparations Assistant (i.e., expert) Kim Fixx carefully removed a square of paper surrounding the hole, and replaced it with a square of matching blank paper. A music librarian colleague answered a listserv call for help and sent a photo of the undamaged version. Our technical services student assistant Elizabeth Johnson (2nd-year harp major) redrew the missing section in tiny, neat music manuscript, and the repair is nearly invisible. A mendery success!

Pictures: Series, left to right, hole, patch, completed patch; Elizabeth showing off the final result

4 thoughts on “A Mendery Success Story from Con Library Preparations

  1. Brava!

  2. Delightful! What a tremendously resourceful team!

  3. This is cool! Go team.

  4. Great solution!!!

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