DHL Notes 8/31/22

31 August 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Budget: Erin went over July’s budget.  Kathy asked about student wage increases for returning student staff. No extra funds for that, so managers should do what they need to do to stay within budget if they give raises. (i.e., need to cut hours to give raises–there is no extra money in the budget).

Facilities: No word on hiring the architectural firm for space planning yet.

New carpet soon in Terrell Admin.  Old will be removed and mold mitigation before new is laid.

Leaks in Con still a worry; Leaks on sundeck of Terrell still a worry.

Security working with Terrell on upstairs/downstairs issues and camera access.

Reading Girl has a new plinth and looks great in “Readers’ Row” (new name for that front part of Terrell outside of the cafe).


Human(e) Resources: Archives internship posted. Natalie did a great job onboarding Marla.  Marla is great.

Library Operations


Glossy Annual Report. Story list and writing underway. May need help/info. Hoping to go to press in October. Ed: Add new type and presses. Other additions?

OCOPE negotiations –Vote on it next week.

New PR Plan underway. “LOL”. Check bathroom stalls as a place to post.

Banners will be designed for lamp posts outside Terrell

Next PanL is September 7, on zoom. Please send VH any agenda items.


-Committee & Task Force Updates from Student Supervisors Committee;

-Library Council update/news;

-Working Group Reports: ACE



Patron records finally loaded August 30 (thank you Michael M)

Mobile IDs are working well for circulating books

Emergency Response, deadline for update: November 1, 2022. Update and Presentation to staff at Pan-L in December. Onsite training once a year. [Ed, Sara, Michael P and ask Natalie–Con is ahead of everyone!]

Circulation computers–upgrades necessary. Has Michael M. been asked about this?

OhioLInk ILS listening sessions have wrapped up.  Good notes. RFP writing process now to get underway.  All notes are on Ostaff, which requires an Ostaff login (

ILS clean up and migration workflows. Efficiencies in general in tech workflows (for CDs in particular at Con; other things in Terrell)

Gov docs

Collection Development Statement–will be updated to reflect current practices and the collections-as-service model.


Orientation was a huge success at Terrell! Would have liked to have more students, but it was good. Thanks to all!

Terrell PA system now in the hands of circ folks for closing.

Screencast-o-matic videos are being updated by Grace and Kathy to take out some COVID-related material.  Music uses these a lot.  Alonso, Julie, Barb and others have reviewed the general tutorial videos and noted which need to be edited. See Spreadsheet of review comments.

Avalon and copyright; Avalon and reserves.  Please check to see if there are outstanding issues and let Michael M. know.

Some staff out with COVID. 

Second floor of Terrell is loud now and we are getting complaints.

Study rooms/carrel check out opens tomorrow

Still working with Security/Facilities on upstairs/downstairs issues.

Deaccessioning: for near future, put books in boxes with red stickers on boxes and store in receiving room for regular pick up and disposal by movers.

Friends dinner scheduled for Friday, November 4.

Other: Voter registration in Science Library!

Old business: Master’s theses project progress update?

All physical copies (1) should be transferred to Special Collections (Terrell or Con); all copy 2s deaccessioned.  Digitization project should be underway (Bill Ruth). Kathy to follow up with Con; Ed to follow up with Barb (who says she may not be able to start project until spring) Talking with Megan about this and other theses questions next week.

Other: Liz Sullivan will join us on 9/7 to discuss stats. Megan Mitchell to discuss theses.

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