DHL Notes 8/17/22

17 August 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Orientations!  New Faculty orientation on August 15 went well. Good questions.  Megan did an amazing job.

Art: We had a good crowd and several stayed behind to discuss bringing their classes in!

Art has been invited to the AMAM’s welcome party. We think we will have an iPad kiosk (thank you Michael McF) and a “Make your own Mail Art” table. Confirming details with Hannah K. today.

We still need volunteers to help with the Library orientation/open house event on 8/29 from 4-7pm in Terrell.

Con has a 120 person class with required orientation.

Next Pan-Library Forum: in person or zoom?  Decision: Zoom only one more time because of influx of new students. 2:30 start .  1 hour.

Several group study rooms in Terrell that are coming back online: 302, 305, 306, 313, 404, 405.  Library Learning Lab in 113 also returning to library use.  Classroom 202 will be shared with the Registrar, who will book classes up until 3pm.  Thereafter, the room is for library instruction, meetings, and group study.

Architectural Consultants update: no update but decision to be made soon.

Gate counts and statistics. Statistics weeks each semester for check on gate counts (which sometimes fail?)   Ask Liz.  Also, is there a typical fudge factor %. ?

Student refs don’t like LibAnswers and may not be keeping good track. Should we invite Liz to meeting with DHL and Liz to go over stats?  There seems to be some confusion. Next year is key in seeing how libraries impact teaching, learning, and research, as well as student success.

Issues: The past few years have been anomalies. Use of adjuncts and library collaborations. Use of google drive for CMS by many adjuncts.  Unable to report reserve use because faculty are doing their own thing–not even using Blackboard.  Is this an issue that the Faculty  Library Committee could address? No motivation, especially for adjuncts.

Copyright questions came up.  Perhaps a program on fair use for faculty, librarians, especially relating to reserves.?  ARL Fair Use Week (Feb. 2023)  Kyle Courtney, Harvard.

See good graphic, four factors list

New security gates ordered for Art, Con, and Mudd LL.

Con Library: Hired new circ supervisor: Marla Thompson.  Welcome home!

Circ terminals:  Con is running 2013 machines with Windows 7.  Will Windows 10 crash. Needs new hardware.  Ask Michael M. for results of his survey.  All need upgrading: 3 in Con, 1 in Science, 3 Art; 1 SCCA; 3-5.

Art Library has a great new exhibition for the Fall semester: “Overseas to Oberlin: Mail Art at Oberlin” (I think!)

MCT Elementary School opens Sept. 13.  The have borrowed our exhibition.  Valerie speaking at the opening. Nice opportunities for connections.   Bring bookmarks?  (ask Heath).

Virginia Weedon is the librarian.

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