Missing-status item removal planning – call for stakeholders

After reviewing the project plan to purge items with status missing (last seen no later than 2019) with Paul, Tracy, LLT, et al, I am calling for any additional stakeholders to identify themselves. The project document, “Missing Item Cleanup Plan” contains comments with names for several meetings/consults that need to be held before proceeding with any deletions. If you think this will affect your work, users, or collection but don’t see yourself listed or sufficiently represented by a supervisor/colleague, OR if you notice I missed anyone, please add a comment to the document before the end of Monday June 13. (Conversely, please comment if you see your name but don’t think you need to be there.)

This is the same document–updated–that is linked from the Library Leadership Notes: 5/4/22,  so if you are an avid Lowdown reader, this should not be a surprise.

Thank you! -Rebecca

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