ALAO Special Collections & Archives Interest Group workshop on Tuesday May 17

Registration for the ALAO SCAig 2022 Annual Workshop, “DEI in Digitization,” will remain open until May 16th!

This virtual workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 17th from 3:00PM – 4:00PM EST over Zoom. A recording will be made available after the workshop for those who cannot attend on the 17th.

The event will consist of two 30-minute presentations:

  • Principles & Practice for Accessible Cultural Heritage Digitization – Sidney Gao, Digital Collections Manager, University of Cincinnati
  • Appraisal and Selection for Digital Preservation – Nathan Tallman, Digital Preservation Librarian, Penn State University

For more information about our presenters and their talks, please visit our webpage.

Register here!

Registration is free for ALAO members, $10 for non-members. Consider becoming an ALAO member if you’re interested in attending! An annual ALAO membership is free for students.

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