Library Leadership Ohio presents “Be The Change” workshop series

The State Library of Ohio and OhioNet are collaborating to bring you the “Be the Change” online workshop series under the umbrella of Library Leadership Ohio (LLO).

The first workshop will be June 8, and it sounds intriguing:

“In this provocative and practical presentation, #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink will draw on an unprecedented two-year study of our most misunderstood emotion: regret. He will show that ignoring or rejecting regrets is a colossal mistake. Instead, confronting regrets systematically can deliver an array of organizational benefits. It can sharpen leaders’ decisions, speed learning and development, and boost individual and team performance.” 

Be The Change – Beyond Resilience: A New Path to a Strong Culture
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 from 2-4 p.m.

2 thoughts on “Library Leadership Ohio presents “Be The Change” workshop series

  1. more info: “Our first event will be held on 6/8/22 with a focus on resilience and how to change the culture within our profession and within individual organizations to better support the social emotional wellbeing of library workers.”

    • I signed up! Thanks for the post.

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