Main Entryway Floor (Terrazzo) Project

Hi Folks,

We have received a communication from Scioto that they will be re-finishing the main entryway floor. They believe this process will take the majority of Spring Break, but should be done before the students return. This process will involve moving all of the carpets, furniture, displays and cases off of the terrazzo tiles. Scioto, and the appropriate college facilities people, would prefer that library staff handle the library materials (like the displayed materials near the main stairwell) to make sure they are handled with proper care. They will request the appropriate movers for the furniture.

They have warned us that the floor will be exceedingly slippery and potentially dangerous for much of the process. They encouraged us to post signage and warn our users.

If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please contact Bill Ruth. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

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