Marlene Merrill Papers re: Black and Women’s rights

As Ken mentioned, the Marlene Merrill Papers are available for research. The collection is a rich source for historical materials on Oberlin’s Black and women leaders. She also did work in England on Oberlin’s early fundraising efforts there to get the college on solid footing in its very early years, particularly with antislavery organizations and patrons. And as Ken mentioned, Merrill did work on two geological surveys of Yellowstone, one led in 1871 by an Oberlin graduate, F. V. Hayden, with an Oberlin faculty member as botanist. Here is the link to the finding guide! Come utilize this collection and steer students and faculty this way.

One thought on “Marlene Merrill Papers re: Black and Women’s rights

  1. Marly has had a full and interesting life – glad we got her papers!

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