Sanford Berman letter in current issue of In These Times

Those interested in unrecognized subject headings and other current issues pertinent to libraries (public and otherwise) may want to check out Sanford Berman’s characteristically pointed and thought-provoking letter in the current (October) issue of In These Times, written in response to ALA President Emily Drabinski’s article (“The Library is a Commons”) from the August/September issue (also worth reading).

Citation from Lexis/Nexis:

(October 2023). THE UNCOMMON COMMONS. In These Times.

2 thoughts on “Sanford Berman letter in current issue of In These Times

  1. Hi Phyllis,

    I tried to access the letter using the link that you provided but it requires a log in.

    Is there another way to post this?

    Hope you are doing well.


  2. Patty Rush very kindly let me know that the link to Sanford Berman’s letter requires a log in. I copied the link from the version of the letter I accessed via Obis, connecting to Nexis Uni and searching “Sanford Berman” in the publication “In These Times”. I’m not sure how else it can be accessed, but anyone in the library can repeat this search.

    It’s an interesting letter, especially if you’ve been following (and/or involved with) the “controversies” surrounding LC subject headings, as I know a number of OCL staff have been.

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