Thanks for your card catalog well wishes

Thanks to everyone who signed catalog cards to send best wishes for my retirement. I’m attaching Michael McFarlin’s droll message and the front of the card, as it’s so funny. I had a nice lunch with the Archives and Main Special Collections folks and Valerie. The vegan almond cake at the hotel is to die for. I received some wonderful gifts, among them a framed reproduction of the J.F. Oberlin lithograph.

My last day is July 31 and I will be at Runxiao’s and Alison’s parties, so I hope to see you there to say my goodbyes. Or just stop by up here on the 4th. Although I’m uncomfortable with a large staff party in my honor, I will miss saying goodbye if I don’t get a chance.


One thought on “Thanks for your card catalog well wishes

  1. Droll and clever—and this explain why Michael spent so long choosing just the right catalog card!

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